Chapter 6.3: Blond Beauty

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Ari laid fast asleep until he heard Freir and Rein speaking loudly nearby.

"If we bring him back like this, he will only want to leave again. He has yet to see it all and I want him to see," Freir said.

"I think he has seen enough. He is frightened," Rein answered. 

"For now. I want to instill the fear of the gods into that boy again, so he will not go on and do something like this again." 

Ari opened his eyes not bothering to say a word. He knew he was wrong from the moment he pressed his lips onto Auovin's. It was against the belief of the Khaeo and he had ignored it, tempted by the pleasure and desire Auovin brought on. To him, it felt nothing but right. Ari could not quite explain it, but kissing him made his body feel warm. It made blood rush to his cheeks making him aware of every touch placed on his body, and he loved it. Ari tucked his face into the thick blanket wishing to sound out their voices with thoughts of his own, but it was futile.

"I am sure he has had his fill of blood demons. The big one... is he not the one Nolan had been searching for? The one they call Stein," Rein said.

"Ah, yes, that one." 

"It is our chance."

"Ari is enough as is. We cannot handle two of them, especially not one as old as he."

 "All we can do is kill him," Rein said.  

"Kill him?" Freir murmured causing Ari to clutch the blanket surrounding him in his hands. "We should try to get rid of them all." 

"Freir, they know of his markings. It does not matter how many we kill now. We cannot protect him like this forever."

"We sure as the five realms of hell can try."

Ari rose and looked at Rein watching his face distort into some unrecognizable thing. 

"And we must address this," Rein said. 


Rein only stared at him causing Freir to look away.

"There is nothing to discuss," Freir said.

"He had done what he did because he thought of it as excusable and forgivable because of us."

"Rein..." Freir said lowly. 

"So we must stop this."

"You are not saying this because of him and our influence over him. You are not, so stop it with this nonsense." 

 "I love you, Freir, I do. With the whole of my body and heart and mind and spirit, but not... not at the cost of losing the good graces of our gods. We are like this because we have sinned."

"Rein, not this again. We spoke of this once before. It is love, not lust."

"It does not matter." 

Freir took a hand through Rein's hair pushing it back behind his ear which revealed all of his face to him. 

"I matter, do I not?" Freir mumbled. 

"... You do."

"Then hush and kiss me." 

It was not long before Rein had his lips on Freir's as his arm wrapped around Freir's neck bringing him close. 

Ari coughed ignoring their sudden separation and surprised expressions. 

"Ari, you are awake," Freir managed to say as he wiped his mouth and coughed. 

"I could not sleep," Ari admitted. He looked at the door and back to them. The tension in the air was thick causing Ari to scrunch up his nose before wiping it with the back of his hand. " I am going to get some... water."

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