Chapter 6

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"What is happening now?"

"You've got a date with the four of them for the afternoon." She stated and I frowned at that but I didn't have time to think about how that would go as they then put me in a simple flower dress that matched my hair perfectly apparently. They put my hair slightly tied up and handed me sneakers again before I was put in the car. I decided I wanted to keep the jackets, although Carrie didn't know about me having the jackets. I was driven around a bit, before I arrived at the beach and I smiled at that, as I stepped out and I saw the four kings standing there, all staring at me with that look that made me melt.

"What is the order?" I signed to Matt and I saw Eddie, Eric and Mike all snapping their heads to Matthew whom right away showed the biggest smile.

"Age." He signed back and I nodded at that.

"Hello my king." I said bowing to Matt before hugging him and he hugged me back. I said that to every king as I took a step back.

"You know how to sign?" Eric stated with a frown.

"Obviously." I confirmed. "I was bored." I said and Eddie laughed at that a bit. "So, what is the planning for today, I'm not into gang bangs so-."

"O for fucks sake." Eric said as Eddie burst out into laughter. "We don't- we won't."

"She gets it." Matt said, silencing Eric, something I didn't like and I frowned at Matthew.

"Let him finish his sentence." I said with a frown. "Eric, what did you want to say?"

"We don't share women, well." Eric said with a bit of a frown. "We will share our wife, but not at the same time."

"Good. I'm not into that kind of thing. But then again before all of this I thought I'd be with one person instead of four, so yo u know I do have to change my perspective on everything." I said and Mike had the biggest smile ever on his face as he looked at me.

"So you changed your mind?" Eddie asked and Michael frowned looking at Eddie. "You do want to be queen."

"I'm not sure yet." I said seriously and Matthew was looking at me with this look of 'you won't get to fucking decide'. "I do actually." I stated without looking at Matt, and Matt rolled his eyes. "So what are we doing?"

"We're going to take a hike and then have a picnic." Michael stated and I nodded with a huge smile.

"Sounds heart. Before we do, what do you guys want me to call you guys. Because I do have this rule, that if I have to call you king whatever, that you have to call me Katherine. I know Eddie doesn't mind." I said and Eddie smiled very widely.

"Eric is fine." Eric confirmed and I looked at Matt with a raised eyebrow, but he looked at Michael whom was staring at me with this look that I couldn't describe.

"Mike is fine." Mike stated and I nodded as I looked at Matt.

"Matt or Matthew. Not Mattie." Matt said to me.

"Kitty it is for everyone then." I said and they nodded as we walked up the mountain and I talked a bit about my favourite shows and stuff, and every so often one of the kings would help me up a harder part. We arrived at the picnic place and I sat down and I leaned against Eric a bit and Eric accepted that. Matt stared at that and I could see he wasn't happy. "How will that go?"

"How will what go?" Eric asked and I put my head back to look at him.

"Jealousy and stuff like that, because if any time I look at anyone other than Matt, and he has that face on, I just am not bothered." I said and Michael spit out his drink all over Eddie's face and Matt looked at me with a glare now.

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