Chapter 61

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I walked in and my heart stopped right away as I saw Kitty.

She was sitting on her normal place on the couch that was here; at least her plate with food was there. She was currently standing in the semi kitchen/bar that was here and she was looking at the different drinks we had, facing us though.

She had her curly hair in two buns on the top of her head, she had her face in full concentration mode, her freckles being immensely clear on her perfect fucking face. She looked good, she looked healthy. She looked amazing. She was wearing a simple black sweater and a pair of jeans. She looked like the girl I had fallen head over fucking heels for.

She realised we walked in and she looked up from the orange juice she was holding and she took all three of us in carefully, and taking her time; but then again we had done the same thing. She first looked at me and she took a breath that was a bit of fear combined with content, it was weird. She looked at Eddie and Eric, looking back and forth at them and squinting for a second.

"You have a beard. That's an Eric thing?" She stated carefully. "Or are you Eric?" She said looking at Eddie and Eddie gave her a small smile as he kept put.

"I'm Eddie." He confirmed and she nodded carefully. "And I did grow a beard. You don't like it?"

"It's an Eric and hum." She said and she shook her head. "It's not an Eddie and Matt thing. It doesn't look bad, but it's not a thing you pull off." She said carefully and he nodded looking at Eric and then back at her.

"We're identical twins, babe." He said as he went and sat down. "It doesn't matter does it?" He said and she stared at him and then looked at Eric and then at me and then back at him.

"I don't think the first conversation we are going to have is the discussion we've had for two years; yes you two are biologically identical. Yes you two-" She said and she looked at me for a second and there was a sadness in her eyes. "But, you two aren't the same. Will never be."

"Do you want me to shave it off?"

"I don't want anything really." She said and she grabbed the grape juice that I knew Eric loved and she went and sat down on her couch area and I went and sat on my spot and Eric went and sat on his spot. She looked beside her on the couch for a second it used to be Mike's spot. She frowned at that for a second before nodding, understanding why we didn't sit there.

"You don't want anything?" Eric said carefully looking at her as she handed him the grape juice and she grabbed a pancake and she stared at that and then at the two of us and there was heartbreak on her face again, she looked at Eddie. And we all seemed to think the same thing; Lottie.

"I'm sorry about Lottie." She said carefully looking at Eddie, although she couldn't really look at him. Eddie tensed up a bit at that, and I saw Eric giving him a kick.

"It's not your fault." Eric said right away. "Nothing is your fault."

"Yeah, I keep getting told that." She said as she took a sip of her drink. She wasn't looking at me, why wasn't she looking at me. It was annoying me. Calm down Matt. This isn't about you. "How is Danny?" She asked and she looked at Eric and Eddie, not looking at me.

"She's doing good. She's in Ashya right now, doing a great job and she's surviving." Eddie said and she nodded carefully at that.

"Good. I'm happy that she's doing good. I heard from the Priestess that there was a time when that wasn't the case? Just after Lottie?"

"Yes. uhm." Eddie said and he looked at me a bit uncomfortable, why was this so fucking uncomfortable. "Apparently losing the person you shared a womb with is heartbreaking. I'm happy I haven't experienced that."

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