Chapter 26

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The next day, I got a text from Eric stating to wear something fancy; so I obviously worse something fancy as fuck. We went towards dinner and I laughed loads with Eric, he was just so naturally funny. I didn't understand how on earth he could ever doubt himself. He was just my- my everything.

"Ok, I have to ask a question." I demanded after a while, as we had gotten our desert and he nodded looking at me. He unloosened his tie and that movement alone made me wet. "First of all, rude." I said pointing to him doing that and he laughed at that as he gave me this look of 'what are you talking about' before posing to me with a look of 'look at yourself'.

"I asked this someone else as well, but how do you know how to listen so well?" I asked and he chuckled looking at me as he put his hand through his hair, fucking hell.

"Because I'm the grandson of King William." He said casually looking at me, as if it was obvious.


"He- according to my parents- my fathers, and my aunts, he was the best listener in the world, and apparently I'm a lot like him in terms of personality, and I'm also a lot like my mum." He explained.

"I love your mum, how is mum?" I asked and we talked about that for a very long time before we decided to walk back home, it being a five mile walk, but it wasn't that bad. I loved walking with Eric. He told amazing stories about places we walked past.

We had been married for a year, but every single day, every single second, I spend with him, I learned something new. He was amazing.

"What's the dress code?" I said the moment Matt picked up his phone later the next day.

"Sexy as fuck- wait you're always sexy. "He said and I laughed at that a ibt. "Can you wear jeans. I love you in jeans."

"Sure. I love you."

"I love you too." He confirmed and I hung up and I gave Eric a couple of kisses before I took a shower and I grabbed a pair of my jeans and then put on a simple shirt on top it. I walked down the stairs and Matt was waiting there for me and he whistled to me and I turned around and showed him my butt.

Well, weirdly enough, we didn't go out on the date; no instead he walked me to his bedroom and we spend the next hours laughing, talking, fucking, sleeping, laughing and more.

But that laughter, like always, turned into screaming. I didn't really know what exactly instigated our fight, something with toothpaste, or something stupid, but it was a full on screaming match. I threw shit at him and he threw shit back at me.

"Well then leave if you hate me so much." Matt yelled at me pointing to the door.

"Fine. Go fuck yourself."

"I will!" Matt yelled back and I walked away from him and I smacked his door shut. "IMMATURE BITCH" he yelled at me.

"DISGRACE OF A FUCKING PERSON" I yelled back at him as I then ran down the hallway towards the stairs; I had to get out of here. I didn't want to see his stupid face. I climbed down the stairs of his private wing and I walked up Eric's stairs, but I then realised I didn't want to bother Eric with this. I always went to Eric when the two of us fought, and it wasn't fair to him. Mike wouldn't - He would probably try to be calm and collected about it and look at it from Matt's point of view and I was totally not in that vibe. So Eddie- Eddie would fight Matt without a second thought. If he saw me crying, he'd beat the shit out of Matt, and he might actually win. Normally I never went to him for two reasons; the first one being that I didn't want Matt to get physically hurt, and secondly he was in Gotar. But now he was here, and I was a petty bitch, so I climbed down Eric's stairs and I went towards Eddie's.

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