Chapter 46

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The water was a slap in the face, but I didn't have a lot of time to think about that. I had to get to the lights; I had to get up. Drowning was so not my thing and it would be so fucking anti-climatic. I swam up, even if my legs hurt so much and the moment I got up in the sea; I had been spotted and even though I tried to swim away, they caught me within a minute. They dragged me onto a boat and I tried to fight, I really did, but I was so tired. So exhausted.

They dragged me through the ship, and when I said dragged, I literally meant dragged. I was on the floor and they were tugging on my chains on my arms that had been put on there. It hurt, but I didn't want to show them that it hurt me. I wanted to remain strong. I wanted to be the Queen of Locatlie, not Kitty right now. I was currently the wife of four of the most amazing men- o no Mike. Where was Mike? I hoped he was ok? 

 After a while, they put a blindfold on me and I didn't fight. I could feel I was put into something, a helicopter I later found out, because I was suddenly in the sky. Were they going to throw me into the sea? I could hear the wind and feel it; they had the doors opened. Was that so I knew that I could never escape? I had no idea. I had no idea. All I knew was that I wanted to be saved. I wanted Matt, Ed and Eric to hurry up and help me. I also just wanted to sleep, but I was full of adrenaline, and of course also a tad of fear, that I didn't know what to do. I didn't know- I couldn't sleep. I I couldn't even think straightly.

After a while, the helicopter landed and they dragged me around a bit as well. I had no idea where I was, or what was going to happen to me. After a while though, they threw me in a room, and took off my blindfold. I heard the door close and I blinked a couple of times, before I stood up and I went towards the door they had just closed; I smashed my arms against it; but to no avail. They obviously won't open it up or free me just because I asked nicely. Don't be so fucking stupid Kitty.

I then looked at the walls and they didn't really seem like walls, it was like I was in a container. I looked up at the corners and I saw speakers; why were there speakers? I looked towards the ceiling now and I saw chains hanging there and I gulped; realising that those weren't there for the nice setting of the room. No they were there for me. It was a square space, or so I thought. I lowered my eyes and my eyes widened in shock. It was a rectangular room, but it was split in the middle by glass; very strong glass, because on the other side stood Mike. Mike had his arms agains the glass and he was hitting against it, but I didn't hear him hitting.

Mike's hair was all over the place. He was only wearing his sweatpants and his chest was covered in blood. His fists were bloodied, and his eye was slowly starting to swell. His lip was cut and his nose was crooked and there was blood everywhere.

"MIKE" I screamed as I ran towards him, ignoring my soreness from not only our wild night; but also because of me being dragged around wherever I was. I smashed against the glass over and over again and I sobbed as Mike was so close and yet so far. We couldn't communicate; I couldn't hear his voice. I couldn't be close to him. I wanted to be close to him. I wanted to be back in our yacht, fast asleep.

But then Mike did something, proving to me once more how fucking smart that fucker was. He signed to me 'How are you?'. I looked at that and then at him and my eyes widened as I realised we could sign.

"Matt told me to tell you plan black? I have no idea what it means" he looked at my hands and tears were streaming down his face. He nodded looking at me. "How are you?" I demanded and he put his hand against the glass as he looked at me with so much sadness, something I didn't understand.

 Nor would I ever understand.

"I love you." He signed to me and I smiled a bit looking at him.

"I love you too." I signed back at him. "I love you so much. I love you so much." I signed over and over again and he smiled looking at me as he wiped some tears away. "Are you in pain?"

"No-" But he stopped as he turned his head and I hadn't heard it; but I did see it. Men in masks walked in and my eyes widened in fear as I smashed against the glass as they grabbed Mike and started to beat him up while yelling at him. He kept his composure though, he kept looking at them, as they kept hitting him over and over again. I screamed it out, I wanted them to let him go. I wanted them to leave him alone. Beat me, hurt me, I didn't care. But leave Mike alone.

They opened a sort of cupboard, well one of them, and my eyes widened as I saw different sorts of torture devices and I screamed and kept hitting against it. The silence, apart from my screams, was deafening. But then suddenly I realised what the speakers were for. I looked up and I heard the men screaming at Mike, and I heard him being beaten. And the speakers, they were loud, so loud. I covered my ears but even then it was like they were screaming.

Then suddenly they grabbed an axe and put Mike to the floor; why? I had missed that part. I didn't miss the next part though. My eyes didn't miss one of them swinging the axe against his arm. My eyes didn't miss as the blood flowed while they had the bottom part of his left arm and they threw it in the corner. But my ears? My ears didn't miss Mike as he screamed his heart out in pain. My ears would never forget the screams coming from Mike's mouth.

I for one second was silent, in shock really at what they had done, before I got angry. I smashed against the window over and over again, screaming out his name as the men kept beating him before they did something worse than torturing him while I was watching; they took him away. I had no idea where they went. I screamed over and over again, before I felt through my knees against the window separating our spaces. I sobbed as I placed my head against the glass and I put my hand up against it. I couldn't- this couldn't be happening to me. This must all be a bad dream.

But this dream- this nightmare, it was my reality.

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