Chapter 136

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When I woke up the next morning because Matt left, I turned around and buried my head in Eric's chest and he wrapped his arms around me even tighter, and somehow that small notion of love, made me emotional and before I knew it I was sobbing. It wasn't sobbing, it was more screaming in mental pain and trying to breathe. Matt went and laid down next to me right away and rubbed my back as Eric just held onto me. Nobody said anything for the next two hours as I broke into a thousand pieces.

After two hours I somehow stopped crying and I calmed down a bit. I didn't want to talk about anything though, so I sat up and I rubbed my eyes before I climbed out of my bed and went towards the bathroom and I turned on the shower.

I looked in the mirror and I looked like shit. I still was swollen by my belly because you know, I gave birth about a day ago. My eye was blue and thick, my lip was swollen en my nose was swollen too. I also had a cut on my forehead. My shoulders were bruised and there was a very large dark blue bruise on my side and I stared at that for a couple of seconds. I then looked at my legs and they were blue as well. I let out some deep breaths before I went towards the shower and I let the warm water wash away all my pain. I stood there for what felt like forever, but I didn't mind. I loved the feeling of the water coursing past my body.

After a while, the door opened and Matt was standing in the opening of the shower and he stared at me for a couple of seconds, seeing all the bruises on my body and I could see it breaking him.

"It's time for breakfast." He said carefully and I nodded slowly as I turned off the shower and I walked past him and grabbed my robe and put it around me after drying my body a bit. I went towards the closet that was here and I looked at all the stuff and I let out some deep breaths. I saw a sweater of Mike's and I grabbed that and I put it on and it smelled like him a bit and I held onto that as tightly as possible. I then put on a pair of leggings and some fuzzy socks. I walked out of the room, as I saw that Eric and Matt were changing and looking at me, but I ignored them as I went towards the nursery right away.

I saw that the nanny was holding one of my girls. I walked up towards her right away and I saw that it was Emerson and she was getting a bottle.

"Good morning, my queen." She stammered nervously as she saw the way I looked.

"How did they sleep?" I asked looking at her.

"They slept good. I fed them once through the night." She explained and I nodded looking at her. "Emerson is a bit of a restless sleeper, Cecilia slept very peacefully. Jacob is a bit of a mix, he's very silent, and sometimes he makes a bit of sound." She said and I nodded looking at her.

"When are you going to bathe them?" I said looking at her.

"I'm planning on tomorrow." She said and I nodded looking at her.

"I would love to be there and learn. I want to be a hands on mother, I think I told you that." I said and she smiled looking at me and she nodded.

"Of course." She said looking at me. "I have been instructed by King Matthew to text you whenever I'm doing something monumental with them if you're not around that way you can decide if you want to join."

"Thank you." I said and I leaned down and gave Emerson two kisses on her forehead before I went towards Cecilia whom was asleep and I smiled looking at her and I gave her two kisses on her forehead. Jacob was awake, staring ahead and I gave him a couple of kisses and he moved his head to the side as if to ask for more kisses and I chuckled as I gave him more kisses and he moved his legs a bit at that. I gave him ten more kisses before I went away, after thanking the nanny once more.

I walked down the stairs and I went towards the breakfast area that we used when the whole family was there. The whole family was sitting there, apart from Eddie, and they all looked up as they saw me, all stared at me for two seconds, before they continued their conversation. It was as if Matt or Eric told them to not look at me too much or something. I sat down on my chair and Eric stared at me and gave me a small smile, but I didn't return the smile as I started to eat, or well I tried to eat, but I couldn't eat. I pulled up my knees and after a while put my arms around them and my head against my legs and I started to cry. I didn't even know why, it just happened. Matt rubbed my leg and Eric rubbed my back while I did that. I didn't really stop as we went towards the court room. It wasn't until Eddie was brought in with a cast around his leg and bandages all over and he was staring at his whole family with tears in his eyes. I just stared ahead, not looking at him anymore, as I sat the same way, putting my chin on my knees though. I listened to Matt state what the verdict was. Eddie asked some practical questions, but I didn't listen to them. I heard it. After a while I stood up though, when we weren't done.

"Where are you going to me amore?" Matt said towards me.

"This is a waste of my time, he is a waste of my time. I give permission that you speak for the both of us and for you to continue doing this, but I'm going to my babies." I said and he nodded as I walked away and I went towards the nursery and I saw that the three of them were asleep and the nanny was sitting on the chair here, reading a book.

"I want the three of them by my bed, please?" I asked and she nodded. "I can carry one, but my arms they are-" I said carefully and she nodded as I grabbed little Cecilia and she grabbed the other two and placed them on my bed, before walking back and bringing the 'add ons' to the bed and placed the three of them there. I laid on the side and stared at my three perfect babies asleep and I didn't stop looking at them for what felt like forever, but I didn't care. They were perfection.

I felt Eric laying behind me after a while and he put his arm around me and he placed his head by my head and gave the back of my head a kiss. We held our babies, loved them, gave them kisses, changed their diapers, fed them and everything. Matt joined after a while. We didn't speak the whole day, we just enjoyed our three babies in quietness, as all three of us were trying to deal with the loss of our brother, or husband. All three of us were heartbroken, all three of us were lost, all three of us were at a loss of words.

All three of us were betrayed.

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