Chapter 100

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"You don't understand what it's fucking like to wake up one fucking morning and it being 'hey you have a wife' and the world is yours, o and your siblings died. You have no fucking idea, so you can not fucking judge!" I heard Eddie's voice yell in another room, while I was asleep in my own bed; well it used to be my own bed.

"That doesn't mean you have to be a heartless dick to her, saying she's a whore and doing the shit you're doing Eddie!" I heard Eric yell back and I closed my eyes as I took a deep breath. "I can understand that you're lost, trust me, I can understand that. I respect that. I love you, I will always love you. Nothing you do will change that. But I can't- I can't watch you being such a heartless fucking dick to her. I get that she's getting under your skin, I get that seeing her is a big slap in the face of everything that you've missed. But keep your fucking composure around her. You have no idea all the shit she went through ok."

"So, she can be a bitch to me, but I can't respond?" Eddie yelled.

"YES!" Eric yelled back. "You have to understand. Please listen to me right now. Listen to what I'm going to tell you ok?" Eric demanded and it was silent. "We got married and her and Matt- they were horrid in terms of connection, like they were one. Then he literally chocked her almost to death- she lost all trust in relationships, she was lost and broken. Oliver picked her up, because they had a conversation before our wedding even happened. She got obsessed with formula 1 while not being around Matt, it hurting her, it breaking her. She was broken the moment that Matt abandoned her, or rather, she abandoned Matt. You know how grammy was- you know what betrayal does to a woman, imagine grammy but worse ok?" Eric said and tears were appearing in my eyes.

 "Then they get back together, and Mike decides to give her a surprise trip to Monaco to watch the formula 1 race, because he had a thing there. They get kidnapped there, and she hum, she had to torture Mike, because if she didn't they would kill her. While doing that, they raped Mike and her both, in front of each other. She heard him screaming in pain every single time that happened." Eric said and I bit my middle finger in nerves. "He then got killed in front of her and they raped her over and over again on his rotting fucking body. They brainwashed her to believe it was her fault, they altered her brain, in the same way your brain is altered, to believe that everything that she ever thought was true, was a lie. She then comes back under a ruse from those three fuckers she was torturing, to kill us, but there was this part of her that couldn't't do that, she shot the two of us in the shoulder, before she was put in a coma for a fucking year to deal with her shit." Eric said and he was screaming and sobbing while screaming

 "She didn't know who the fuck she was- who she is Eddie. She didn't trust her own mind, she didn't trust her own feelings, her own memories, because everything had been made different, everything had been influenced by those three fuckers she tortured. Then, she finally realises she can trust us, she cuddles with you, before going to Amar and putting those fucking shitty fucked up knives in him, then she cuddles with me and with Matt. She tells me that she can't wait to cuddle with you and talk with you, she says she misses you, and then I give her to Matt, so I could sleep and suddenly I'm screaming in pain and I realise that you're stabbed. She laid next to you for three fucking months, day and night, begging, praying, to get you back to her. She- you have no fucking idea what the two of you were. You don't know and that's ok, but you can't- you CAN'T talk to her the way you've been doing. I'll get her to pardon you, but she is the Goddess of Seglusa at the end of the day Eddie." Eric said hopelessly. "And I know you won't get your memories back, and I know that you and her aren't going to be hopelessly in love and all that crap, but come on bro, you don't have to be such a dick."

"Look, I feel for her and everything she's been through, That sucks, but I don't see how that has to do with anything I do in my life. What does her pain have to do with me?"

"Because you were her- you two were something so special Eddie. You don't fucking realise- I mean we made fun of our parents all the time and we always thought we'd never be so fucking lucky as they are, the same with what we heard and saw of Grammy and our grandfathers. But we're so fucking lucky with her, nd the two of you, you two were like- you're basically mirrors. It's- and when you think shitty of her, she thinks shitty of herself. When you hate on her, she hates herself even more. I know that you don't understand that or you can't grasp that. But watch the fucking video I made of the two of you that I send six months ago. See how the two of you were, and you can see how much she fucking meant to you. Hell, read your diaries of the time the two of you were together. I don't care." Eric said and he was close to sobbing. "You know, no. I've got another approach. Think of her as an extension of me, think of her as a part of me. Would you yell the shit you yelled at her, to me?" He said. "Would you do that to Lottie?"

"Don't fucking mention her name in this equation." Eddie snarled.

"Would you yell those things to me Eddie?"


"Then treat her as if she's a part of me, as if she's me. When you see her, think of me, think of Mike, think of Matt. Just don't break her any more than she already is. You don't have to love her, you don't have to be kind to her, but don't be a dick to her. She doesn't deserve that ok?"

"Ok." Eddie said annoyed. "She's so fucking annoying though, like, she's got a stick in her bum, Eric."

"The funny thing is, you put that stick in her. You made her believe she was worth it, she got her voice because of you, not me, not mike, not matt. You. The reason she annoys you so much is because the two of you are a mirror image of one another, because you made her be the person you wanted to be, the person you wanted her to be and she did the same to you.."

"Fine, fine." Eddie sighed. "I'm not apologising to her, but I won't do this crap any more. Fine?"

"Good. Now lets stop fighting." I heard Matt's voice state. "Thank you Eric for getting into his fucking head."

"What is the deal with her and Oliver though?"

"They're basically in a relationship but a platonic relationship. It's annoying as fuck, but it makes her happy, he makes her happy. He has the same effect that you once had on her so we accept it." Matt said annoyed and I chuckled a bit at that as I then grabbed the pillow even tighter.

"And why can't I sleep in my own bed?"

"It's her bed. Her second home." Matt said and I took a deep breath as I then got out of bed and I stretched and decided to go to the hallway. The three of them looked up. Eddie was sitting on the floor, and he looked annoyed. Matt was sitting on the floor as well, while Eric was leaning against the wall.

"You guys yelling doesn't help me with sleep. Take your own bed." I said and I walked past them, climbing over Eddie's large legs and I went towards the second bedroom now and I smashed the door closed and locked it and I went and laid in there.

This situation was so fucked up.

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