Chapter 7

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Over the weekend Peace thoroughly cleaned her room and packed her clothes which she will mess up in 2 days trying to find one of her many black tops. She cooked and went to church on Sundays. She would always treat the weekend as a self-care and time to hang out with friends during the day and work the nights. This was Sunday evening, and she was getting ready for her shift, and she had a meeting with Santiago afterwards.

She arrived at work by her usual time, "So, you don't listen, little miss, huh?", Yep, not so happy Kate's here. "Hi Kate, can I help you with something?", Peace was still glued to the mirror she did not want to mess up her make-up 10 minutes before her performance. "I guess I didn't make myself very clear," she grabbed Peace by her shoulder making them face each other, "If I have to kill for this job, I will." She was dead serious, and Peace saw it even though she kept her face emotionless. She was not about to show her enemy that her threats were affecting her, she was scared for her life, worse because Kate was on drugs, and they can make anyone do anything.


After an hour of pleasing old, married men, she took off her costume and weave as it was burning her head. "After your session you ha..." "Dan, I know please stop always reminding me of everything I should do, you're not my PA.", she said annoyed, and Dan raised his hands in surrender, "But you have a meeting right now", he then laughed while Peace rolled her eyes.

"Good evening, Sir, may I please enter?" She asked offering her cheesy smile. "Stop, I'm not in the mood", Antonio knew she was about to act up from how nice she was. "I'm just being genuine, I'd love something to drink," she sat on the couch, "while waiting for my other employer." "He'll be here in a minute, I'm quite surprised you agreed to the deal," he said more like asking. "He made a good offer plus I need some time away from here", she took the wine from Antonio, "What d..." "Thank you", they spoke at the same time. "Why do you need some time off?", she did not want to talk about Kate and come out as a snitch, but she thought it was time to let him be aware of what has been going on and save her life while she still can. "I..." "Hey lovers!", Santiago screamed from the door.

'I guess it's not the right time.'

"You're late." "I won't take long my lady, okay, we'll start working next week from Friday-Sunday. We're leaving at 6 pm I'll pick you up from here, everything will be provided for you just practice at least 5 moves.", he gave her a summary of everything. "I don't even know the song, what is it all about? I don't want to mess the song up with wrong moves.", she was still sipping her wine, "Just be in love." Peace gave him the face that said, 'Is that all you can utter?'.

"Okay, let me get going thanks for the offer San", she stood up and flirtatiously smiled at Santiago and looked at the confused and annoyed Antonio. "Get out of here and never drink my wine," "Okay, bye Tonio would you like to give me a ride home?" She said getting closer to Antonio's table to place the wine glass, her face suggesting sexual desires. Antonio was so surprised she has never acted like that, "It must be the wine", he was taken by Peace's laughter. "Guys I'm joking y'all should see your faces, alright let me leave you to it.", she fixed herself, turned and walked her ass to the door leaving the two men very surprised. "Bye Danny", she said passing by him at the door. 

'Definitely the wine'. 

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