Chapter 14

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"All I'm saying is if you got out of there on time none of that awkwardness would've happened.", Ntando tried to justify herself after Peace told them about what kept happening to her after she was caught in someone's bedroom talking about stealing. "Fuck that, if I didn't even set foot there in the first place, I'd be safer."

"Friend let's set up a tinder profile." Omuhle blurted that out of the blue, "WHAT??!!" They all asked at the same time because the last time they checked Omuhle had a boyfriend and that was yesterday. "Guys don't ask many questions y'all know I don't last. He left just like others." "Oh Friend, come get some love, what's the mood?", Peace left the peppers she was chopping and went to hug her friend. She knew that even though Omuhle was known to be the strongest of them all she also gets hurt deeply and she really liked Sabelo. They were going to laugh at her later right now she needed support and some love. "I just want to get laid, is that too much to ask?", she was hurting, "Friend, I think you should stop telling these boys how much you love sex, you scare them away." Peace offered some advice.

They were making pizza and drinking indoors on a Wednesday as if they didn't have school the following morning. "Tell you what? Let's switch the wine with Amarula and ice cream to accommodate the broken heart.", Azana suggested, "Got that right, Zany." They wanted to get her drunk so she could vent about how trashy the boys were.

"I just don't understand why I'm heartbroken it's not like he was the air that I breathe." That was alcohol speaking an hour later. "Friend, it's not a crime to catch feelings for every boy you hook up with it's...", Peace started consoling her, "Peace please stop, you have been in love like twice?" She asked trying to count the number of boys Peace had caught feelings for. "Well to make you feel better, I catch feelings faster than anyone else in this room.", Azana tried her luck. "Oh come on and your relationships last about like 5 years? Just stop comforting me y'all are doing a terrible job.", she shouted.

They continued talking and bashing boys until 9 pm and everyone went to their rooms. Peace received a call from her parents as they called every day. "I miss you Mom; I just can't wait to be home and see Da..."

Beep! Beep!

Her phone indicated a new notification while speaking to her mother on a loudspeaker. She had been added to a group named Project group, and the messages were flooding in already. "Mom, we'll speak tomorrow something came up; I love you." "Love you too Princess.", she said hanging up.

'Whoever taught my mother "Love you" without an "I" I hate you.'

The group was created by Troy adding Ethan, Wendy, Nadia, Akwande, and Peace. It was made to communicate easily about meetups and address the stuff that did not need in-person meetings. "Troy: It was a lot of work to get your number Peace, TF you live, under the rock?

Peace: You could've emailed me Troy instead of pulling some IT specialist on me.

Akwande: Guys y'all are flooding us with unnecessary messages can't y'all chat on the side?"

'Why is he bitter.'

Peace had always been a big mouth worse when she was texting, so this was her comfort zone.

"Nadia: Thank you, someone, finally said it.

Peace: Now that y'all suggest it, Troy text me on the side, baby."

They continued talking about the project, Peace made a mental note to avoid Akwande and Nadia, they were mean. Peace went to get a glass of water and snacks in the kitchen, and she needed to charge her phone. When she returned her phone had more than 17 messages and everyone had agreed to meet at Troy's place on Saturday at 12 pm they were just waiting for her response.

'It hasn't even been 5 minutes!'

She just stood there for another 2 minutes not knowing what excuse to make, when she received a private message from Akwande, "Can you be at the same pace as everyone else this time?"

'Whom TF does he think he is?'

"Peace: Agreed"

She then went to reply to Akwande, "Fuck off from my private messages."

She then put her phone aside and took a deep breath. She did not know where she got that courage because the last time, she was with him she was a nervous puppy, but this was online he was not going to scare her.

'I shall not be bullied on my phone. Never!'

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