Chapter 44

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"I want you to help me look up a perfect gift for my boyfriend", Peace was on a date with Rea. "His birthday is still far, why do you want to buy it now?", she got shy, "I just want to spoil him, friend, he's done so much for me, I just want to show some gratitude", she was a bit embarrassed. Peace has never done anything for a boy out of the blue, "Ow, look at my baby spending on a man, I'm happy for you", Peace got relieved, "I'm glad you don't judge me" "Girl, why would I? You know I go crazy for a man, if you feel like doing something for him do it open-heartedly." They chat about other things as the day went on, "So, friend, any suggestions?" "Okay,", Rea fixed her posture in the chair, "Buy him a present, book a hotel room, and wear your sexiest lingerie, you know the dance moves", Peace gave it a thought, "Right, that's a great idea".

They finished their lunch at 5 pm and Peace had to rush to work. "Danny-Dan", she passed Daniel to her dress room, "Oh, I forgot we are not on speaking terms", she laughed and closed the door behind her. She was tipsy from her lunch date, "Daniel, am I allowed to have juice at work or that's also illegal?", she peeked outside her room, but he did not answer.

He brought a file of her first client, "Thank you", she said genuinely. Inside the file was a little note saying, "I miss talking to you too, but you know I need this job, just know I'll always have your back."

Now that she knew she still had Daniel on her side she felt protected. She worked all her shifts with confidence and not forgetting to smile at the camera in every room because she knew her boss was watching. "This happened: Peace: Guys can we video chat, I need your advice, it's urgent", right after she sent that text Omuhle started the video chat, "Bitch, what's up?" "You're a light striking fast", Peace rested on her chair, "P, just talk", she made a bored face, but Peace knew she was dying to know what was going on. "Okay, okay,", she fixed her face, "Give suggestions of gifts I could get for a boyfriend, I need to order tonight or go buy it in-store tomorrow, so by the end of this video chat, we should have a perfect gift", right after that sentence she felt suffocated waiting for their response. "Why?" "Is it for his birthday?" "What's your budget?", they all replied at the same time, except for Azana because she did not pick up the video chat. Peace became completely honest with her friends and told them she wanted to spoil him; she even told them about Rea's idea.

"Rea is romantic, huh", Omuhle commented, "but I think we should go with her idea", she added. "I say get him something you've noticed he likes, like he talks about it a lot or has it in the house", Ntando advised while Peace began thinking about one or two things, he loved the most. "I don't care much about the gift, I can help you choose the perfect lingerie", Omuhle interrupted, "This phone thing is slowing us down, think of the gift then we will deal with other things when you get back from work or tomorrow morning", Omuhle added. They were always down to help with these types of things, "Why is it so urgent again? It's not like he's going somewhere.", Mandy asked, "My schedule is crazy busy I'm squeezing this one, this is the only time I got", she was alerted that she had to get ready for her last session, "Guys, I got to go" "Okay, go shake that ass", Ntando got everyone shocked with her response, it was so unlike her.

She ordered some expensive sneakers, brand tracksuits, and expensive cologne. She needed these things delivered in 16 hours, so she had to pay for that, with all the planning she realized her following day was going to be very busy. She read the file 15 minutes before her show, she was running late considering she still had to put the costume on and maybe change make-up to match the costume. After a series of knocks on her door and 2 minutes late, she emerged from the room, walking more like running to the private room, Daniel followed behind.

'Antonio will eat me alive.'


Her friends helped her find a luxurious hotel in the area, and Omuhle helped her pick the sexiest lingerie for the occasion. On the day, Peace ran like a headless chicken putting everything together, she wrapped the gifts in nice boxes with a note inside. She was quite nervous; it was her first time going out of her way for a guy.

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