Chapter 48

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"Good morning, beautiful", Akwande brought her breakfast, "What time is it?", he placed it on the nightstand, "It is still early", she sat up, "Thank you, I need to be at my place by 11 am, the storage people are going to fetch some boxes", she took a bite of the toasted bread.

Last night ended in them making out until the early hours of the morning, she had a moment of weakness. He kissed her forehead, "Let me go shower", she got off the bed and Akwande sensed that she was avoiding him, "Peace", he said following her to the bathroom, "I thought we are cool, what's up?", she turned the shower on, "Come on, Akwande", she did not want to talk to him. He leaned by the door with worry on his face, "So, I am not reading things wrong, something is up", she did not answer. He switched off the shower, "We are having this conversation right now. Yesterday we were cool, and you woke up all moody. This is all confusing, talk to me", she was wet but had not yet begun washing her body.

"I had a moment of weakness, Akwande, we are not cool, I have not moved passed what you did to me", his face changed, he really thought they were back together. "You hurt me. I had something special planned out for you that day", her voice was cracking. Akwande heard this for the very first time, "I booked one of the most expensive hotels, and bought the sexiest lingerie", she chuckled remembering all that, "I asked my friends to help me out. Now, can you imagine how to hurt I was when I fought you in this bed", she pointed it, "with your ex". Akwande did not know what to say. "I was so in love with you, you know I was", she started sobbing, "Now tell me, how can I be cool just because you came back after a month and confessed your love for me?", Akwande went to wipe her tears. "On top of that you drive drunk and almost killed yourself then I felt guilty because you were going to find me", they were now hugging, "I am sorry".

They sat on the shower floor, opposite each other, Peace was still getting things off her chest. She had stopped sobbing; a few tears would come out as she explained herself. Akwande's eyes were now red, but he was not crying, he had never seen her like that, and it was worse knowing he was the cause of her pain. He sat there feeling all guilty as she narrated how hard it was to deal with the heartbreak and how she had to stop herself from contacting him. One thing that Peace did not know, Akwande had been willing to reach her, from the very first day he got out of the hospital. His friends advised him to give her some space since he was in the wrong and he was still in bad condition, they did not want Peace to feel sorry for him and end up forgiving him for that reason.

He helped her out of the shower once she was done, his clothes were already wet. She got dressed and texted the storage company to postpone, she then climbed back to bed. She had cried a lot she could feel the headache. "Can I please crash for a few hours?", she asked him after some time of them not talking, "Of course", he assured her. She pulled the duvet and fall back to sleep; the weather was permitting anyway.

She was awakened by a loud bang, Akwande accidentally dropped his gym bag, and she slowly opened her eyes, confused. "I am so sorry I did not know there were weights on the bag", he apologized, and she just nodded her head. She could feel that her eyes were swollen from all the crying she had done earlier on, she checked the time, she had been sleeping for over 3 hours. "I hope you are hungry I got us Chinese", he waved to them with a smile. Peace smiled at his attempt to lighten her up, "Come here, I wanna say something before we eat", she realized her nose was blocked.

'I hate being vulnerable.'

Akwande sat on the side of the bed next to where she was sitting, Peace held his hands, "After what happened earlier, I feel way better. It's like a load has been lifted off my shoulders, I needed to tell you all those things", she looked straight in his eyes while talking. "I still love you, very much", she admitted. At this point Akwande did not know what to expect, he was scared, and even his hands were shaking under Peace's grip. "In that case, I will give us another chance. I am a firm believer in staying with someone if you still love them so that you do not have regret when moving on.", Akwande smiled, a smile of relief, he got closer and hugged her, "Thank you", he said. "I am doing this for myself".

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