Chapter 10

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"Hi, I'm Wendy", the chubby white cute girl offered her hand for Peace to shake.

"Peace Nkosi", she extended her hand for a shake, she was always terrible with introductions. "Your name is unique, nice to meet you, I'm sure everyone is on their way", Wendy seemed nervous, so Peace did not push too much, everyone else was late or not coming. Peace prayed they would show up in the next 10 minutes or this girl would leave, and her plans would be fucked up. "Oh! Hey guys I'm sorry, where's everyone else?"

'We should be asking you.'

"Hey, they are late too", Peace faked a smile, "I'm Peace." "Nadia, and you are?" She pointed to the other girl, "Wendy, nice to meet you."

"Maybe we can brief each other while waiting for others, I mean half of the group is here we might as well start working.", Peace spoke right after they got each other's names. "Girl, you are really desperate for the weekend," Nadia commented rolling her eyes and catching both other girls off-guard.

'I don't like her.'

"It's between life and death", she said staring straight into her eyes. She wanted her to understand how serious this was for her, but she was still sarcastic.

After 15 minutes the two boys who seemed to know each other arrived, said their apologies and started working. She was right she was grouped with 2 whites and 2 Indians. They took a break after 2 hours of seriously working. "I'm going to the vending machine, need anything?", the white boy, Troy, asked. "Please get me a soda," Nadia requested, "Snacks for me", said Wendy, "skittles and juice boy", his friend Ethan said. It was finally Peace's turn, and she honestly did not want anything but did not want to be a party pooper, "An oats snack bar, the yoghurt flavoured." "Girl you be using all the energy you can get; chill we already have something to pitch to the lecturer Monday and it's only Thursday."

'She's getting on my nerves, what's up with this tiny bitch?!'

Others gave it a little laugh, but Peace was not about to laugh off an insult, yet she did not have energy for her now. She just stared at her.

'We still got time together sweety, I'm going to show you how to be bitch correctly.'

Troy returned with their snacks as they engaged in small talk. Wendy was on her phone with her boyfriend explaining that she was running late and that she would need him to fetch her at 10 pm. "Her boyfriend is sweet mine would've ordered an Uber for me.", Nadia started.

'Oh! she can be nice.'

"I would've done the same", Ethan added, "I don't know, I would've fetched her so I could smash", Troy commented, and they all laughed. "What about you? Is your boyfriend like Troy or Ethan?", Nadia teased Peace and they all looked at her direction.

'Bitch! leave me alone.'

"I don't have one because suddenly boys stopped playing rugby and I am left with no type", Peace said annoyed, taking a bite of her snack bar. Ethan and Troy looked at each other, "But we do play rugby that's why we were late we had to practice.", Troy explained. Peace locked eyes with Troy, "Well I shall look at you differently", she smiled, "I'd like that", Troy smiled back. Everyone sensed their intense moment; Troy was a fuckboy, and he knew it, just like most of the boys who were athletes, but he did not know Peace was far better in the game than he was. She's been dating rugby boys until she knew their mindsets. "I can take you home after this" "You already want to smash? That was fast Troy", Peace asked him. "No, of course not I just wanted to have a little conversation with you.

'I can play this game with you, boy'. 

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