Chapter 43

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"Someone commented 'nice couple' on our picture, can you believe it?", Peace jumped on the bed, sleep immediately leaving her body, "Where?", she did not know that Akwande had posted a picture of them together, "Relax, it's a story", she visibly relaxed.

She had always been against them posting pictures of them together, she wanted to keep it private and did not want any strangers interfering in their love life. "You do not have to worry my account is private, I know everyone following me", she got off the bed to the bathroom, butt naked, "Okay Kwande, what you wanna have for breakfast" "You, baby", he smirked, and Peace rolled her eyes brushing her teeth. She kissed him and lay on top of him, "Quit playing Baby, I have a long day", his hand was already on her ass, "Pancakes are fine baby, but I really wanna have you", he bit his lower lip tempting her right away. "Get up and come help me", she said climbing down the stairs.

"So, your mom is home?", she nervously asked, "Oh yeah, she probably arrived late yesterday, I did not see her coming". Peace was already worried about how she was going to leave unnoticed; she was not ready to meet her, especially after what happened. He chuckled, "You should see your face, relax, she's probably left by now, my parents are always out", Peace flipped the pancake and then sat opposite him, "Do you miss them?", Akwande had always avoided conversations about his parents, "I used too, but I have you now, you complete me", he still avoided the conversation.

"Baby, we are not fighting, okay? But why do you still need this job", they had spoken about this before, and it always ended in an argument. She put her fork down, during their breakfast, "I need money", she sipped her juice, "You told me it was for your academic fees, accommodation, and living expenses. You have covered all of that and you have savings which I believe are a lot, why do you still work there?" "Akwande please, we spoke about this, I'm on a contract I have to finish regardless", she had lost her appetite. He stood up to clear the table, "My problem is, you do not want to quit, you already know how I feel about your job, it is not safe", Peace did not answer but climbed up the stairs, "So you just gonna leave?", he asked throwing the dishes in the sink. "I am not having this conversation with you because clearly, you're missing my point", she said throwing hands, things were getting heated, "Explain it to me, at least admit that you like your job, you do not want to quit, don't make up some stupid excuses making it seem like there's absolutely nothing you can do just say you do not want to quit!", he shouted so that she could hear him from the bedroom, "I am going to clean upstairs", she continued walking.

Sasha called half an hour of them not speaking, "Sash", Peace picked up the call, "Hi Sis, how are you?", Peace already knew what she wanted. She sat on the bed, "I do not have it, Sasha, for real this time", she was not in the mood for her. "Please Peace, just R100 to buy a morning-after pill", she sounded desperate, "I thought you were on contraceptives?", Peace asked, not falling for any more of her sister's excuses. "I stopped taking them 3 months back, I did not need them then" "Well congratulations on being a new mama", she hung up the call. Sasha texted immediately, "Sasha: You know the baby would be your responsibility", Peace transferred R100 to Sasha's account, immediately.

"I hate when we fight", Akwande was sitting on the toilet seat while Peace was in the shower. She got off the shower and wrapped her body with the towel, "I hate it too", she was still mad. He followed her back to the bedroom, "So you going to just leave things like this?", she put on some lotion, "I need to go" "But you were supposed to leave in the afternoon" "I am having a lunch with Rea", he helps put lotion on her back, "Okay", Akwande replied. "What?", she turned to look at him, "You don't believe me?", he held her waist, "You are running away, baby, but it's okay", she held his face, "I just do not want us to fight about this no more", she admitted, "but I will never run away from this scrumptious meal", her eyes were full of lust, "What are you trying to do, young lady?", he could not hide his excitement. Peace kissed him as she removed the towel from her beautiful body, he did not have a shirt on which made things easier.

Akwande flipped her after a few minutes of her being on top, he was now humping on top as she digs her fingers into his back. Their moaning became loud as they reached their climax, "Every day I love you more", he fell on top of her, "I should start fights more often, your make-up sex game is top tier", she replied rubbing his back. She checked the time, "Fuck! I'm running late", she jumped off the bed, "What time are y'all supposed to meet up?", he watched as she moved around the room trying to gather her stuff, "12, I have 30 minutes, I won't cover that time", she put on a short dress. "Calm down, just text her that you are going to be late I'm sure she's going to understand than to show up all sweaty and missing some stuff", he advised.

Peace took his advice and they postponed to 2 pm and Rea did not seem to have a problem. She wore a beautiful summer dress, sandals, and a sun hat, she looked elegant, "You are beautiful in everything you put on", he complimented as she was leaving the house, "I'll see you next week, I love you", he said it back and they kissed at the door, and she left.

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