End Of Discussion

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Tristian was still in thought, thinking of what his boys could possibly be up to during the last two weeks.

"I think they are hiding something, better find out before it's too late for you to find out about their mischievousness" Tristian's grandmother added interrupting his thoughts.

"You don't have to waste your time to find out because we're going to tell you right now right here" Lucas said in his childish tone.The five pair of eyes turned to look at the two boys with questioning gaze.

The two little fellows descended the stairs carefully walking towards their family.

They both sat on the love seat facing the five people in the sitting room.

"We've been searching for a mother for ourselves as well as a wife for you, since you couldn't do it yourself properly," Cyril stated leaning his back against the seat nonchalantly.

"Hold on a second, what do you mean by I couldn't do it...? You were the ones who drove them away with devious plans" Tristian accused with narrowed eyes.

"That's because you didn't do any research about the ladies you brought to this manor" Lucas affirmed mimicking his brother's action.

"So what are you insinuating now....?" their father asked squinting his eyes at them.

"It's simple dad..., the bride in our house or home is the one we've been after for two weeks" Cyril answered but Tristian wasn't understanding him in anyway.

"I don't understand, explain it well" he said to him.

"We're saying she's going to be our mother in the future but as far as I'm concern she's already our mother at heart" Lucas answered in a calm voice pointing towards the left side of his chest whiles his brother hummed in agreement.

"Plus you're going to woo her weather you like it or not" Cyril told their father whiles the others were fighting to hold in their laughter.

"So you crashed a weeding just because you wanted her as a mother...?"he asked his kids speechlessly.

"We didn't crash her wedding, the jerk did" Lucas answered with a roll of his baby blue eyes.

"Wait a second.., how can you ask me to woo someone I don't even know, I know nothing about her and here you're telling me to woo her" Tristian said looking at his two kids with an you're out of your minds look in his eyes

"We know everything about her and she's good for you so is either you woo her or we do it for you," Cyril said to their father coldly.

"But that's impossible, what if she doesn't like me after I woo her...?"Tristian asked with a helpless expression.

"She will like you" Lucas answered.

"How do you know that..?" he asked again.

"And how would you know if you don't woo her?" Lucas asked without answering his question.

"You're going to woo her and that is it, end of discussion" Cyril said leaving no room for further discussion before they both jumped off their seat walking upstairs.

His parents and grandparents burst out laughing while holding their stomach which was aching because of holding it in for too long.
Tristian sighed in a helpless manner

"You should all stop laughing at me for no apparent reason" he told his family in exasperation.

"You are suppose to be helping me talk to them but you're laughing at me rather than helping me talk to them," he stated helplessly.

He watch as his parents and grandparents wiped the tears that had escaped their eyes due to excessive laughing. They took their time to calm down before turning to look at him.

"You know your son's very well than anyone else in this world," his father said to him with a shrugged of his wide shoulders.

"They would do whatever they want without your permission," his grandmother said leaning against the couch with her back.

"Since they went extra miles to get you that girl, that means weather you like it or not you will have to woo her" he heard his grandmother added.

"Lucas even went to her wedding just to get her and I think they both are aware that her so called fiance would abandon her during the wedding," his father said the last part in suspicion.

"Your kids have been craving for a mother for too long, they've waited for you to find one for them which you did but they were not the type of women they wanted as a mother figure" Tristian heard his mother say.

"What kind of mother figure would they possibly want...?" he asked in confusing tone which earned him multiple sigh from them.

"They want a mother who would be their friend, someone who they can rely on when they are having hard days, a woman who could make you happy and love again, that is the kind of mother figure they want. That is the kind of woman they want" his mother replied.

"But those women could have been their mother if they had given them the chance which they refused to give any of them," he stated pointedly.

"That's because those women are not here to be mothers instead they're here for status, they want to spend your money lavishly. They're not marriage materials" his grandmother replied with disgusted expression.

"Children can sense others dislike towards them from miles away so it normal for them not to take fancy to any of them," he heard his mother say.

"But that's not a reason enough for them to look for someone else for me on their own accord," he stated pointedly again.

"They've given you a lot of chances but you couldn't find yourself and them a better woman," his grandfather said to him mockingly.

"Just look at the kind of woman the've got for you within two weeks, I must confess that those boys are more capable than you" his grandfather stated proudly.

"Hmmmphh, I'm sure they're not that capable who knows if she isn't just like any of the women I brought home for the past two years" he stated with a snort as well.

"We will see about that" he heard them chorused a response. "Just my luck" Tristian thought bitterly.

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