Her Emotions

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Everyone turned their gaze towards Scarlett, a mix of confusion and anticipation in their eyes. However, it was the couple who stared back at her, their expressions tinged with nervousness. Tristian, perplexed by the situation, felt a slight headache pulsating in his temples. The question echoed in his mind: What on earth was happening? How did she know this mysterious couple? Countless queries swirled within him, mirroring the collective curiosity that hung in the air.

The couple turned to face Scarlett, surprise evident on their faces. The man's expression was a mix of shock and confusion, while the woman wore a more guarded look. "Scarlett?" the man stammered, his voice tinged with disbelief.

Scarlett took a deep breath, gathering her composure as best she could. "I never expected to see you again," she said, her voice barely above a whisper as she glanced between the two of them. "Especially not like this."

Her emotions were like a storm inside her, dark clouds of anger, hurt, and confusion swirling together. It had been years since she last saw the man who once meant the world to her, the same man who had left her heartbroken and shattered.

The woman, standing next to him, moved closer and placed a comforting hand on the man's arm, clearly noting Scarlett's distress. "We didn't know you'd be here," she said softly, her voice tinged with sympathy. "We had no idea."

Scarlett nodded, her eyes a mix of sadness and newfound strength. She had come to this place hoping to find closure, to finally put the past behind her. Yet, fate had other plans, throwing her face to face with a past she had buried long ago.

Taking a step forward, Scarlett tried to steady her trembling voice. "I suppose life has a funny way of bringing people back together, doesn't it?" she asked, her words a delicate mix of bitterness and resignation.

The man's gaze softened, his eyes reflecting regret. "Scarlett, I'm so sorry," he said, his voice filled with genuine remorse. "I never meant to hurt you. It was a mistake—a terrible mistake."

Scarlett raised her hand, silencing him. "It doesn't matter now," she said, her voice holding a newfound strength. "What's done is done. I've moved on, and I'm stronger because of it."

A mixture of emotions played across the couple's faces—guilt, remorse, but also relief. They had clearly carried their own burdens from the past, haunted by the choices they had made.

Turning away from them, Scarlett took a deep breath, steadying herself. As she walked away, she felt a weight lifted from her shoulders. She wasn't the same person who had been left brokenhearted all those years ago. And maybe, just maybe, this unexpected encounter was the key to finally closing that chapter of her life for good. She doesn't want to meet them again. Now she's in love with someone else. She's is just hurt that's all. After all who wouldn't be hurt?

"Have a nice marriage Brandon" Scarlett said, walking away after gulping down the rest of the vodka but as if remembering something she turned back and walked towards her husband who looked at her with unknown emotions. She pecked her husband's lips with a smile.

"I love you so much" she muttered to him but everyone heard it. Brandon kept his gaze on the floor in shame so did Lysandria.

"I'm going to take a shower" she said to the shocked Tristan before walking away. Tristian blinked rapidly, asking if that just happened or if he was hallucinating. His wife just told him she loved him in the presence of everyone. A small smile slipped on his lips but it was fleeting like the snapping of a finger.

"What was she talking about?" Tristian asked the so called Brandon. As at now he doesn't even recognize this man anymore.

"Why would she call you Brandon?" Jaden asked in confusion, clarifying his brother's question. The couple shifted uncomfortably whiles the family rolled their eyes in boredom.

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