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The pizzaplex always got busy, but during the summer is when it was its busiest.

But even so, I still wouldn't get as busy as the others. Id have increments of time to myself, and today i had to use them to keep my battery charged.

Really annoying actually.

But I made it work for a while. Up until lunch when most parents, kids and teens would take this time to crowd the food court or would leave to go eat at home or somewhere else.

I always wondered what it was like outside of the pizzaplex. Where all the humans lived.

But I physically couldn't leave the building. My battery would deplete within minutes if i tried.

A safety precaution for all of us.

Figuring i had a good while before everyone was done eating i made my way to my spot, only to find myself in a similar situation.

Y/n was sitting at her table picking at a slice of pizza. She put a piece of pepperoni in her mouth looking like she was deep in thought.

Whats she still doing here?

I sauntered over to her, she was so deep in thought she didnt notice i was there till i asked, "you're still here?"

I watched her jump in her seat, cough as she swallowed her food and look up at me with a mixture of fear and anger.


Scared ya.

"No, im just a figment of your imagination." She snapped.

I couldn't help but smirk, shes funny.

"Shit. I hope not. If im hallucinating you id request to be disassembled."

"Oh hardy fucking har."

She angrily sipped her drink. I still get Chihuahua vibes from this girl.

"Seriously though. Why are you still here?" I had a feeling she was Probably waiting to see him, "Freddy's gonna be way to busy to come visit you this early in the day ya know."

"If its so busy why are you over here?" She asked.

Her question caught me off guard, "because im scary remember? I dont get as many people around me as freddy or the girls..." Explaining this to her only killed my mood.

I crossed my arms trying to keep the anger from bubbling.

Of course why would i expect to be able to maintain a decent mood all day.

"What did you do for everyone to think your so scary?"

I could tell her question was genuine. She truly didnt see why people thought i was a monster. But that piqued my interest. Had freddy mot told her all about how terrible i am? He did with the other girls...

"Well I..." I trailed off looking into her e/c eyes.

The way she was looking at me...she really wasnt scared of me? If i told her would that change the look she was giving me?

To one of horror?

Even though... I never did anything wrong...

"I doubt its so bad that itll scare me ya know" her voice pierced through my thoughts.

Its like she read my mind... But of course theres no way thats possible...

"Shut up. I dont care if your afraid of me or not princess."

I say this... so why did i get this gut wrenching feeling that made me hesitate to tell her why everyone hates me?

"Then tell me what you did." She pursed her lips.

Rivals (Monty x Reader x Freddy)Where stories live. Discover now