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(recap: Youve dumped Freddy's ass, and have been evolving into a better you with monty and others by your side. This chapter is going back to montys pov where you confront freddy and his side bitch)

I sat in the middle of my room, still pissed and hurt only now surrounded by my rageful destruction.

"Fuck..." I muttered aggressively running my hand through my hair.

I felt bad. I shouldn't of made her leave...

I needed space though. At least a few minutes so that nothing else was said to make shit worse...

Maybe she was still here and i can find her...

Or maybe i should just let her go.

I stood up, noticing the scratches covering my arms and mostly fists. Thatd be a trip to the parts and service room.

My entire room would be shut down for a few days...

Exiting my room, i tried to think of where she would go if she was still here.

Turns out, not far.

I heard shouting from Freddy's room, luckily there was no one else around to hear it or it surely would of drawn attention.

Approaching his room i could hear y/n and Freddy's voices..

"No youre not. Youre just sorry you got caught... I wonder what else you've lied about... How much of what you told me about Monty was a lie..." I could hear y/n voice, she sounded hurt and on the verge of tears....

It was clear, she has confronted Freddy...

I snuck closer as freddy retorted back, "i never lied about him, hes a piece of shit..."

I held back a snort of protest, forcing myself to stay quiet.

Freddy's door was still wide open, probably why it wasnt hard to hear them in the first place.

I watched as y/n held out her hand in a stop motion shaking her head, "stop. Montys shown me more care than you have since i applied for this stupid job thing..." She was crying now, and i felt bad for her... "well, it should be obviouse but we're done. Have fun with your other bitch, but I'm not gonna be apart of it..."

Y/n tried to leave and i panicked for a moment not wanting to get caught eavesdropping, but she was stopped by Freddy grabbing hold of her wrist.


His actions triggered an unfamiliar feeling... Like a mixture of anger and... Possessiveness?

He tried to get her to talk, she wasnt having it. Clearly she wanted to go...

Seeing his hand on her wrist grow tighter...

my eyes harden, wishing hed just collapse into a pile of scraps.

"Y/n-" Freddy tried to speak to her...

But without thought, i stepped in, "Freddy."

I kept my tone stern and threatening.

All three of them turned to face my direction, but y/n shifted her eyes to the floor.

Freddy muttered under his breath, releasing y/n and storming over to me.

I eyed him with challenge, daring him to make a move. But all he did was glare at me.

He didnt want to ruin his perfect reputation by fighting me.

"Oh be careful Freddy, wouldn't wanna show your true colors..." I mocked, before turning my attention back to y/n, "y/n lets go. We have a job to do."

I said giving her an excuse to leave easily.

Rivals (Monty x Reader x Freddy)Where stories live. Discover now