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I tried not to think about how Freddy was spending time with y/n right now. How he had her to himself... Tried to distract myself by charging for a bit, playing my bass, working on my song, Anything really.

And it worked a little. Kept me focused at least.

Untill i left my room.

I honestly just wanted to wander for a bit, being cramped up in my room gets to be annoying.

Plus sometimes theres loose change and i can play some of the arcade games.

Which are actually kind of fun, not something i ever imagined likeing but i did. I wonder if y/n liked games? I know that out there, humans have more advanced game systems, maybe she plays on those.

I wonder what she does when she isnt here?

My thoughts and wandering come to a stop when i see her walking to the front entrance.


She was still here?

She was so pretty.

Though she looked like she was barely awake.

I made my way closer to her, "y/n?"

What was she still doing here though? Wed be opening soon, did she spend the night with that mustard stain?

I didn't think hed even allow it. He Was such a stickler for rules...

"What are you.." what was that smell?

It came from y/n it smelled of what i believe to be her scent and...him.


I mean not her, shes not gross in any way. Honestly her scent was... erm.. anyways the only thing that was gross is his scent is intertwined with hers. Tainting what would probably be a wonderful scent by itself.

Am i being a pervert?


I shook away these thoughts, and growled out a short "nevermind...."

Even if the smell wasnt obviouse enough, the marks trailing up her neck made it pretty clear why she was still here. Freddy let her stay just so he could get all grabby with her.


I could almost guarantee he left the marks for me to see and get jealous.

To brag, and to announce how he had y/n and I didn't.

It was working. I was extremely jealous, but that jealousy was dripping into anger.

He doesn't even love her. Hes just toying with her, and at this point just using her to upset me...

She doesn't deserve that.

"Hey, ill see ya later alligator. But i gotta get home.." she mumbled, her eyes and voice tired as she sipped her coffee.

She was adorable when she was sleepy.

But i was too upset to relish in how cute she was.

"Yeah. Sure. See ya..." I needed to get away before i snapped.

I had to tell her about Freddy before he did anything else to her, just to piss me off.

Who knows how far hed go...

I took a walk around the pizzaplex trying to calm down.

Obviously i was jealous because i adore y/n... A lot.

But Freddy was sick. Using her, hurting her in the long run just to hurt me? Disgusting....

And everytime i thought about it, i got more pissed off.

Rivals (Monty x Reader x Freddy)Where stories live. Discover now