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A little hesitant, you tiptoed into the empty room.

"Monty?" You called out wondering if he was in the other room.


You nearly pissed yourself, swiveling your head around to see Monty standing behind you at the still open door you had just walked through.

"Jesus fuck, you need a bell..." You pressed your hand to your chest.

Unamused, Monty stepped into his room grabbing his broken bass and shoving it into the other room.

Probably so no kids would see it during the visit.

He then returned to the sofa picking up any remaining splinters of wood.

Hmm. Something was off. He was tense and quiet.

You recall him being a little off after work last night. Having blamed it on his low battery.

"Are you... Okay?" You asked trying not to be too pushy.

You didnt wanna set him off.

"Oh just perfect." His voice seethed with sarcasm and he avoided eye contact with you, tossing the wood into a small trashcan.

Then took a seat on his sofa, well more like laid on it one leg on the cushions, the other hanging off the side and he used one arm to cover his eyes and the other tapped at his chest.

He didn't seem like he wanted to talk, and you still had a good twenty minutes before visits started.

So you took a seat at his vanity and played on your phone. Glancing up at the gator every so often.

He didn't move till visits started and he ignored you completely unless a kid wanted you to play with them. His stagnant mood had shifted so drastically when he was with the kids, you hoped maybe hed cheer up after this and talk to you.

But that didn't happen.

"Why dont cha go get some food or somethn. Ill come find ya when im done cleaning." He said glaring down at you once the visits came to an end.


He was starting to piss you off.

His bipolar shit was getting to you, one minute you were best friends amd the next he acted like he hated you.

"Ya know what? No? Whats your problem?" You were done being patient with the angry lizard

He seemed taken back by your response, probably expecting you to actually leave.

His tail moved in sporadic twitches.

And for a second the two of you glared at eachother in silence.

Sneering he turned away and began to clean.

"Seriously? Are you just gonna ignore me? Why are you acting like such a child? What did i do to piss you off so much?"


"Then why are you acting like it?"

He was turned away from you, frozen, his shoulders tense and tail still twitching.

Finally he turned to face you, stepping real close and glaring down at you.

You could feel the heat from him. His closeness made you nervous.

His eyes scanned you, before one of his clawed hands reached up brushing the hair you had covering your neck. Despite his obviouse anger he was still gentle.

"Thats why." He said tapping the little marks making you wince.

Now you were confused.

"Why...? I mean so i did something with Freddy? My Boyfriend? That gives you know right to treat me this way." You crossed your arms.

That was such a pathetic-

"You mean yours and Megan's. But im sure your too far stuck up your own ass in denial to realize how hes playing you like a fucking toy." Monty snapped, his eyes glowing in anger.

Which was soon replaced with regret the moment he saw your face and what he said fully registered to both of you.

"What...?" You glared at him.

You were livid.

You knew they hated each other but why would he try to make up some stupid lie like that?

Just to break you and Freddy apart? That didn't make sense though if you two were friends why would he lie just to hurt you?

His anger dissipated and he frowned, "y/n... Im sorry. I shouldn't have said it like that... But i cant keep this from you anymore and watch him use you... Hes not loyal to you..." His voice was soft, and pleading.

Pleading for what? For you to believe him?

You shook your head, everything in your body told you Monty was being honest and he was begging you to believe him, but your heart wouldn't let you.

"No, Freddy would never do that..." Hes far to kind to do something like that.

Plus you guys literally just advanced in your relationship... Theres no way hes seeing Megan on the side...

Or were you the side?

No no, he wasnt doing that.

"Y/n.." Monty grabbed your hand in his, and used his other hand to get you to look at him, "i would never lie to you about something like this... i admit i was hesitant to even tell you.. i didnt wanna hurt you..."

You pulled away.

"How do i know you wouldn't lie? I mean Freddy says shit about you all the time, gou guys hate each other... How do i know youre not saying this to get to him?" You glared at the gator.

He looked hurt. Good, because wether or not he was telling the truth he had hurt you too.

Even if he was telling the truth he never should of said it the way he did.

"How do i know your not as terrible as he and other people say you are? Like killing Bonnie for example maybe you really did do that and maybe you are some vile monster trying to get me to like you so you could hurt me and Freddy-" you stopped.

The look on his face was one of pure anger and hurt

Maybe you went to far.

"Get the fuck out." He growled.

"Monty..." You tried to speak.

"No. Get. The. fuck. Out. You dont get to sit there and accuse me of any of that shit without even asking me!? Not to mention you, you are the one who pushed to get close to me. I didn't want to... God i should of fuckin listened to myself and kept you at a goddamn distance. I didn't want to tell you about Freddy the way i did, but i actually care about you and seeing him use you hurt me because i knew it would hurt you. But fuck me i guess, and fuck you. Now get out."

He pointed to the door, baring his teeth at you his pupils mere slits surrounded by red.

You stepped back, did you just ruin your friendship with him?

"W-what about work...?" You asked, your voice barely a whisper.

"I dont need a damn babysitter to do my job. The vile monster will be just fine without some girl following him around." He crossed his arms.

Your shoulders dropped.

There was nothing you could do to fix this.

So you did as told, and left the room.

You didn't know what to do..

You were panicking. If monty was telling the truth, then not only do you not have a boyfriend anymore, but you don't have your best friend anymore.

Rivals (Monty x Reader x Freddy)Where stories live. Discover now