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You were in the hospital for three nights. The first night you barely remember, you did however remember seeing Freddy and Monty come to your rescue. You remember Freddy coming to you and holding you with fear in his eyes as he repeatedly asked if you were ok.

You missed him. Hopefully he nor Monty thought you were dead.

The next night you were visited by your parents and sisters. Who thankfully were safe. They were at one of the boys house the entire time.

They felt guilty and apologized to you over and over again. You told  them it was fine, just never to do that again and to answer when you called them.

They promised they would.

Surprisingly your parents even looked worried. Your father looked like he was holding back tears even and your mother kept coddling you helping you eat and drink.

Of course you didn't really need the help, you were fine for the most part just some bruising and a busted lip but you were fine...

Well... Maybe you weren't but you wanted to be. So you would be.

No need to worry anyone anymore than they already were, you didn't like people worrying about you.

The third night you were questioned by the police.

"Do you remember what happened that night, ms. L/n?" The cop asked.

His voice was low and soft, providing you a sense of comfort.

"Uhm... Well i had just gotten off work and was looking for my sister's... I found out they left when they shouldn't have and went looking for them.."

You kept some details out. No need to rat out Monty breaking into the security room.

"And then what happened? Take your time, dont leave anything out..."

"Well... After a few minutes i noticed a van was following me... I wasn't close to home so i tried to head back in the direction of the pizzaplex... And then Mark... My ex walked up to me. He seemed friendly at first but then the van pulled up closer and he got violent..."

"Mark gilden is your ex? Has he had any past tendencies of violence?"

You shook your head no.

He was a liar and a cheater. But he wasnt violent, at least not with you.

"Well ms. L/n i advice You refrain from walking alone at night. Gilden is apart of a sex trafficking group... And were going to do everything we can to take it down... But you may not be so lucky next time. So please be safe. We will be calling you should we have any more questions and please call us if you remember anything about the van or other people."

"I will..."

"Thank you, rest up. I hope you heal quickly." He smiled at you, it was a charming smile.

You felt your body relax when you were alone again. You really just wanted to go home.

Hopefully you still had your job... You didn't have a phone anymore unfortunately Mark had broken it.

Your parents said they'd take you out to get a new one when you were released.

Just as you were getting close to dozing off there was a knock on your door.

"Come in!" You called out, your voice was a bit raspy.

You took a sip of water, and in came Nick and Riley.

"Oh hey guys!" You smiled actually excited to see them.

"Hey friendo! We were worried sick when Sandra told us what happened! This is the third time we've tried to visit after work. Everyone is worried about you, especially Monty."

Monty? What about Freddy?

"Oh... Well let them know im ok... Ill be back soon. Assuming im able to come back job wise?"

Nick nodded, "of course. They cant fire you for being hurt.... Although dont think you are ever, ever walking again. I am your personal taxi from now on and you have no say in the matter till you get your own car." Nick looked guilty.

He didnt even do anything wrong. It was your own choice to go out alone and look for your sisters.

"Hey dont blame yourself or anything... Its no ones fault..." You assured them.

Riley smiled, "we know. But... Your our friend and we care about you. We were scared when we heard you had been hurt... Sandra said you barely looked alive.. Monty too."

Maybe they just havent spoken to Freddy...

"You guys talk to Monty?"

"Well no... But he always comes up to us to ask if your ok."


It bugged you that they didn't say anything about Freddy, surely he was worried too.

Nick and Riley visited for as long as they could. Tonight was your last night in the hospital and the next morning your parents were here with a clean outfit, ready to take you home. After stopping to get you a new phone.

They also took you out for lunch, which was great because hospital food is gross.

Your not sure you liked how they were only nice to you after you got hurt though. It seemed... Forced. Why did it take you getting hurt for them to show any sort of affection towards you?

You kept this to yourself though. You didn't feel like confronting them.

But it hurt you a bit. That they only cared after you got hurt.

Oh well.

Once at home you took a nice long hot shower. You refused to look at your reflection knowing you were still covered in bruises.

You were thankful though, that beating you up was the only thing he did.

For the rest of the day you hid in your room. Your sisters were grounded and would come bug you every now and then with snack offerings and dinner.

But for the most part they let you be by yourself. Knowing you needed space.

You messaged Nick telling him youd be going to work tomorrow.

He messaged back saying hed be there an hour early to get everyone smoothies before work.

You smiled. Nick and Riley were the sweetest.

Your family was being nice too, but it only made you feel more distant from them. It bothered you honestly.

Was that bad of you?

Nick and Riley were always nice to you, but your with your family it took you being in danger...

Surely it was fair for you to feel a little upset with them.

You tried not to ponder over it too much. Instead you snuggled into bed and wondered how tomorrow would go.

You hoped you'd have a chance to see Freddy...

Rivals (Monty x Reader x Freddy)Where stories live. Discover now