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You woke to your phone buzzing. With a unladylike like groan you grabbed your phone from the charger and glared at the screen. But lit up seeing the caller id was Nicks number.

You cleared your throat before answering, "hello?" Clearing your throat did in fact not help you sound less like a goblin.

"Y/n?" Nick asked.

"Yes its me," you assured before yawning.

"Oh you sound like you just woke up haha!"

"I did" you laughed.

"Oh shit really? My bad. Its like 2pm i thought youd be up." Even over the phone you could tell he felt bad.

"Oh its okay. I normally would be..." You must of really been tired.

You didnt realize you had slept in.

"Alright, well i was only calling to see if you needed a ride to the pizzaplex?"

"Id love that actually.." you answered peeking out your window to see the cloudy wet weather.

"Cool, you good if i get you around 4? Riley and i wanted to grab lunch before work."

"Thats perfect! Thank you so much Nick!"

"No problem honestly. I was even gonna offer being your carpool through this intern thing anyways, if youd like?"

You couldn't believe you thought this guy was scary.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah man, you aint that far from us. It wouldn't even really be out of the way."

"Well if its really no problem id appreciate it so much!" You smiled to yourself.

Are you making friends? It sure seemed like it.

"Cool, ill let you know when im on my way then! See ya later y/n."

"See ya!"

You hung up and plopped back into you pillows. You had to mentally prepare yourself for the day. One way or another you would get Monty to smile and talk to you.

He didn't realize it yet, but he was your friend too.

Sitting up you grabbed some clean clothes from your dresser and took a shower. Today you wore simple blue jeans and a pizzaplex t-shirt. You weren't sure about a hoodie, but ultimately decided on one of your old blue ones. Just in case you got cold ya know.

You dried your hair and put it up in cute style. You debated make-up but felt too lazy and only did a small touch up.

You were ready to go by 3:15.

Well damn. What were you spose to do in the meantime? No way youd venture downstairs. Not with your little sisters loose.

Thankfully, due to having a job you no longer had to babysit them.

You sat in bed choosing to pass the time by scrolling through social media.

Soon your scrolling was put to an end when a message popped up on your screen.

Nick was on his way.

Awesome. Grabbing your work phone and lanyard you hurried downstairs, quietly to avoid your sisters and tiptoed outside onto the porch.

Just as you stepped onto the sidewalk, Nicks little black car pulled up. Music vibrated his car but he turned it down as you got into the backseat.

"Howdy, y/n!" Nick Greeted.

"Howdy you guys!" You smiled ignoring the strong scent of weed.

You wondered if they smoked for fun, or if it was prescribed to them as a medicine.

Regardless it was an interesting smell.

Nick drove you guys to a nearby fast food place and pulled into the drive through.

"You want anything y/n?"

"Ah, im good im kinda broke at the moment."

Nick turned around to face you, "girl did i ask if you had money," he gave a lopsided smile.

"Uhm no?"

"Exactly. I gotchu covered, if your hungry than get something."

Well its be nice to not eat pizza for once.

"Sure ill get a cheeseburger with f/condiments" you felt giddy.

Nick was so nice. You weren't used to someone showing as much kindness as he did and the two of you just met.

To you surprise Riley turned to face you as Nick ordered, "get used to it, hes always been like this and we want you to be our friend."

"Oh, i dont mind it. I feel honored that you guys want to be my friend.." you smiled.

Once you graduated you never really heard from your other friends. So having these guys purposely out of their way to be your friend was a really sweet gesture.

After getting the food, nick parked his car and the three of you ate while talking about whatever came to mind.

At some point Nick brought up work.

"Ya know, i didnt think the animatronics would be all that great to work with but chicas kinda wild. I like her."

"Yeah, Roxys always asking me about salons and makeup. They have so much personality its kinda weird. But i like it." Riley agreed.

Nick munched on a fry and looked at you, "arent you with Monty?"

You nodded, not able to talk while you chewed your food.

Nick ate another fry "Is he mean? Ive heard hes really violent."

You frowned, swallowing you food, "no hes not mean...i mean hes incredibly sarcastic but I think he just has some anger issues and is misunderstood..."

"Really? I never even considered it." Nick shrugged.

"I heard he's the reason the pizzaplex no longer has Bonnie." Riley pitched in crunching up a food wrapper.

"Bonnie?" You've never heard that name.

There was another animatronic?

"Yeah, he was like this purple rabbit, he was apart of the original band from the older restaurants. You've never heard of him?" Riley asked.

You shook your head, "no, why do people say Montys the reason hes gone?"

Riley shrugged, "i dont remember. I think they got in a fight or something."

"Oh.." is that why everyone was afraid of him?

"Oh yeah, i remember that. Wasnt bonnie pretty violent too though?" Nick asked his face scrunched up as he tried to remember.

Riley made a similar face, "i think so. He would get angry and like throw bowling balls n shit."

"Oh yeah! I remember that when we were little and everyone had to leave his attraction."

You took in every bit of information the two were giving. Monty is blamed for Bonnie being gone because they apparently got in a fight and now everyone hates and fears Monty? Thats the gist of what you gathered from their conversation.

But was it really his fault if Bonnie was violent too? What if Monty was defending himself?

You remembered seeing Monty when he was livid after Freddy hit him.

Or maybe Monty just couldn't control his anger?

You had so many questions now. What if this is why Freddy didnt like Monty? But then, why wouldn't he tell you?

You needed amswers. But you couldn't ask Monty so soon. You had to get him to open up to you on his own terms before asking something so personal.

You could ask Freddy... But you wanted Montys persective.

"You guys ready?" Nick asked putting his seatbelt on.

Riley nodded and you muttered a small yes still focus on the Monty and Bonnie thing.

Rivals (Monty x Reader x Freddy)Where stories live. Discover now