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There came a time in the day, where I thought things would go bad. Because why not, why should i be able to just have a peaceful night?

the girl and I had to stop playing together beings shes technically working a job right now. But we still hung around within my attraction so i could interact with anyone who wanted to golf with me.

Thats not why I thought the day was about to be shit.

My good mood was at risk when i had a couple of obnoxious teenage boys ask me to play some rounds with them. Seemed chill enough, nothing out of the ordinary.

Unfortunately it became very clear they weren't actually looking to play some real rounds with me. If the snickering and whispering to each other wasnt proof enough then the taller teen whose name im pretty sure was Ben, swinging his golf club and letting it fly back and hit me was definitely what sold it.

It didnt hurt, he didn't put that much force into it. But realizing what his intentions were sure did put a damper on my mood.

Of course, This type of behavior from teenagers like Ben and his friend isn't new.

They wanted to piss me off. Everyone wants to make the monster freak out. Why? I couldn't fuckin tell ya.

"Oops, my bad." Ben snickered.

Although i knew he did it on purpose i kept my cool, handed him the club back and said, "s'all good... Go ahead and try again.."

Id keep my composure, i wouldn't let some little brats ruin the night ive had so far. And i refused to give them the satisfaction of pissing me off. Im not some animal in a cage to poke sticks at..

I told myself this, but surely enough after a few rounds the same kid made another stupid move. This time, significantly worse.

He swung his club back, with so much force he smacked me in the face and shattered the lens of my shades.

That little fucking brat i will-

"Hey! Dont you know its illegal to damage company property!" Y/n had appeared between us so quickly it took me a moment to register her words.

She was defending me?

The two teens gave each other annoyed looks amd argued with y/n.

"Who are you and why would we care?"

I couldn't see y/n's face but i imagine it was one of annoyance as well.

"Because if you dont leave now im gonna report you.."

"Psh get lost lady. We just wanna see him angry."

Of course. Figured as much about 20 minutes ago.

"Oh? Oh? Is that so?" Y/n's eyes were wide with a crazed expression, tilting her head as she edged closer to the teens, "you wanna see angry? Ill show you angry!"

I expected her to maybe freak out on them a bit, but i didn't expect the sudden angry barking as she jumped at them making the brats run off scared as shit.

I couldn't hold back the roaring laughter from what i just witnessed, "did you just fuckin bark at them?" I had to hunch over from the pain of laughing so hard, "oh my god, i dont think ive ever seen something like, princess that was great. You just made my day" i told her between fits of laughter.

And i meant it, i havent laughed this hard in ages. Y/n joined me in laughing and by the time we stopped we were both sitting on the floor just a little hidden from anyone else in the attraction.

While she was catching her breath i leaned over and grabbed my shades from the ground. They were destroyed, id have to get new ones. wasn't thrilled about this but...

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