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                                 - Chapter 3 - 

As the group sat in the apartment which now consisted of the added company of Quinn. She asked the group how the party went to which everyone replied with silence. "Okay then" she muttered to herself. Mindy and Anika were eating popcorn out of a huge red bowl and were talking about some film where four kids had a magical wardrobe. 

Ethan had his head resting off the top of the couch and Abby had hers resting on his shoulder. "Are you okay" Ethan asked making sure Abby was alright after the amount of alcohol she had consumed. "Yeah, i'm just really tired." replied the girl. Ethan's response was to hold both of his arms around the girl's body, giving comfort to allow her to sink into the boy.

However the comfort had vanished after Chad entered the living room shouting "Oh my god!" he then ran out of the apartment to retrieve Sam who was at the bottom of the stairs with the neighbour the girls referred to as "Cute boy"

Mindy had turned the tv of mute and the group all watched. Abby and Ethan were now sitting up but his hands were still wrapped around her waist. Both Tara and Quinn entered the room as the news reporter said, " Two young boys were murdered here tonight" it was later said that the two boys were Jason and Gregg, boys who attended the same film class as Tara and Mindy.

Sam and "Cute boy" had now entered the apartment as the group sat in shock by the news they had just heard. Different comments circulated the room, Tara whispered that she had spoken to Jason earlier that night to where Quinn said, "I always found him a bit creepy."

 Abby stroked Ethan's thumbs and his hands began to tighten around her waist. When she whipped her head around asking the boy if he was alright she noticed a look of pure fear within his eyes. "Hey, are you okay?" Abby asked. Ethan snapped out of his trance slowly resting his hand and replying, "Yeah it's just scary to think that they were here one minute and now they're gone."

The group looked back at the screen to listen to what the reporter went onto say next. "Found at the scene of the crimer were various different ghostface costumes a character popularised by the stab movie franchise."

Sam looked towards Tara and rushed towards the kitchen telling Tara to pack a bag. "We leave in ten!" Tara followed her older sister into the kitchen saying, "Sam you can't be serious." Abby looked towards Mindy as Anika comforted her about the situation. telling her that everything was going to be okay.

Tara rushed after her sister saying, "This might not have anything to do with us." However Sam ignored the girl as she picked up several knives inspecting which were the sharpest. "Sam!" 

"Are you serious" Sam said, "It's a big city" Tara exclaimed "It's halloween everyone is wearing costumes and the ghostface mask."

"You knew him." Sam said waving her hand towards the tv which displayed Jason's face on the screen. "Barley" Tara said, trying to justify a reason to stay in the city. "Chad, Mindy back me up." Chad turned facing the girls "It is a bit." "close to home" Mindy finished.

Sam looked at the twins then back to Tara saying, "see" Tara stood still thinking of ways of salvaging the situation, she then glanced over to Quinn who was inspecting her nails and fixing the ring on her index finger.

"Quinn, your dad is a cop, right." Quinn looked up and gave a hesitant nod towards the girl. "Can you call him and find out what is going on?" The red headed girl agreed and then Tara looked back at Sam saying,"Before you make the utilitarian decision to abandon my college education and flee the fuckung state."

Sam looked from Tara over to Quinn who said, "I'm calling him now." Just as the girl lifted the phone to hear ear, Sam's phone started to ring off the dining table. Everyone flinched looking at the phone which was vibrating off the table.

"Who is it ?" Tara asked but was ignored by her sister.

Ethan turned to Abby asking "Why did everyone just freak out when her phone rang?" Just before Abby could turn to answer the confused boys question Anika replied telling him, "You gotta keep up my dude!" Abby smiled at Anika before looking back at Ethan saying, "I'll tell you later."

Quinn rose up calling out Sam's name before giving her the phone, "My dad wants to speak to you." Sam took the phone as everyone watched eager to know what was going on. "Mr Bailey, hi" 

The conversation eventually ended when Sam said, "ok thank you." When she got off the phone she handed it back to Quinn who asked her if everything was okay. "No they want me to go to the station."

Chad questioned Sam into why they wanted her to go to the station. Sam then told the group that it was because they found her license at the crime scene.

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