Twenty Four

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                             - Chapter Twenty Four -

When the group left the restaurant Abby was actually happy to be in the company of her friends. There was no more awkward tension, but Abby did feel a bit of guilt lying to her friends.

"Wanna watch a movie later?" Tara asked as she put her jacket on.

"Maybe. Depends on how work goes." Abby replied not wanting to sound suspicious about why she couldn't watch a movie. 

Abby then got into work where her boss David sat at the desk reading a newspaper.

"You're late!" He said as he got of the seat and approached Abby.

"I know I know, but there was a thing with my friends and I couldn't say no."

"I don't pay you for you not to be here Abigail!" Davis said whilst he picked up a heavy brown box and placed it into Abby's arms.

"Now go and put these records in their rightful places."

"Okay" Abby said as she placed the cardboard box onto the countertop and took her bag and coat of putting them into the office.

Abby had been working at 'sunrise vinyl' for two months and she didn't really like it but at the same time she didn't hate it. David was the owner and he was a bit stuck up himself to realise that not a lot of people wanted to come into the store thanks to his distasteful behaviour.

About thirty minutes later the bell on the door rang and David said, "Hello, welcome to sunrise vinyl how may I help?"

"I'm alright i'm just browsing." The familiar sound of Ethan's voice excited Abby as she noticed Ethan walk right up to the shelves she was stacking.

"Hey!" she whispered not wanting to draw David's attention to the couple.

"Hello, how was lunch?" Ethan replied matching Abby's tone of voice.

"It was good, I really think that with a little bit of time our bonds can be healed."

"That's good." Ethan said as he stood over Abby pulling her chin up and kissing her. Abby held Ethan's shoulder as the two moaned into each other's mouths.

 "Abigail, i'm going on break." David yelled.

Abby disconnected from Ethan as she walked over to the desk. 

"Oh okay, i'll be here." David looked confused at the girl as he walked into his office and closed the door behind him.

Ethan then approached the desk that Abby was now sitting at and said, "'Abigail' how formal." 

"Shut up." Abby said as she whacked Ethan on the arm with the queen record that was beside her.

"I've missed this." Ethan said as he stroked Abby's hand looking into her eyes.

"Me too." Abby whispered as she leant over the desk going in for the kiss when the bell of the door rang.

Abby quickly fell back into the seat looking down as she said the words, "Hi welcome to sunrise vinyl, how can I help?"

"I don't really need anything." The husky voice replied. When Abby looked up she realised it to be Tristan.

"Oh hey Tristan what are you here for?" Abby said as she looked over to Ethan who was quietly observing them as he looked at the different records.

"You." Tristan laughed as Abby's full attention fell onto the boy.

"Excuse me?" Abby replied confused.

"We can go for a meal then we could go bowling and then to the arcades." Tristan looked eager for a reply but was met with the blank stare of Abby.

"Tristan, no i'm sorry, I have a shit ton of work to do here and then me and Tara made plans and also I don't think i'm ready for a relationship at the moment."

Ethan looked up giving a small smile as he watched his girlfriend avoid the boy's advancements.

"I get that with the physco murdering ex-boyfriend."

"What." Abby said now raising her voice a little but not too loud that it brings David out.

"Yeah Mindy told me that your ex was like some crazy dude who murdered people and she was the one who told me to hit my shot."

"Well he wasn't crazy and Mindy shouldn't have said that."

"Hey look i'm sorry if i've overstepped." 

"It's fine, but I think you should leave." Abby said as she walked over to door opening it for Tristan.

Tristan walked out silently as Abby approached Ethan who was now sitting behind the desk.

"I'm so sorry I had no idea Mindy was spreading those rumours."

"Are they tho?" "Rumours." Ethan said as he looked down at his hands.

"I mean my whole family including myself put on this creepy halloween mask and did some horrible things. So why shouldn't I be deemed any less phycotic than them?"

Abby walked over to Ethan placing her hand on top of his. "You're not a monster, you couldn't have controlled what happened. It's not your fault."

All of Abby's reassurance gave Ethan the confidence to passionately kiss her. Ethan stepped up looking down at Abby, "I'll wait for you after your shift." Ethan said as he held his pinkie for her to take. "I love you." He whispered as he kissed Abby's cheek and walked out of the store.

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