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                                       - Chapter 5 - 

The next day Abby met Ethan outside the park gates, "Hey you!" Ethan said to Abby as he pulled her in to hug her. After last night shenanigans it was nice for the two to get some actual time alone. They walked down the path leading up to a set of benches the group was sat at. "So about last night" Ethan started to blush as he looked down giving a brief laugh.

"It's not funny" Abby said lightly hitting him on the arm. The intimate kiss between them was as close as they've ever been, sure they kissed each other before but never that passionately.

The two approached the bench, Abby sat next to Tara and Ethan sat next to Abby. Sam and Tara were talking about what happened at the station and the aftermath. "Wait! you punch Gale Weathers as in the famous reporter Gale Weathers." Quinn said to Tara who gave a smug look.

Mindy rose up off the bench and stood centre, looking out to the group. "Okay nerds listen up" Mindy announced, everyone looked up at her as she started to speak, "as terrifying all of this is, i'm actually glad I get a chance to redeem myself for not calling the killers last time."

"This is going to be fun" Abby said sarcastically as she placed her bottle of water down beside her. "The way I see it someone is out to make a requel." Anika looked to her girlfriend in confusion before raising her hand asking, "Umm what's a requel?"

Mindy smiled at Anika before saying, "You're beautiful sweetie, but let's keep the questions until the end." Anika's smile faded as her confusion only grew.

"Stab 1 took place in woodsboro" Sam said looking towards Mindy waiting for her to confirm her answer, Mindy nodded as she went on to say, " Stab 2 took place in college." Tara then looked at the two girls before asking," So, you think the killer is trying to copy the stab movies?"

Mindy shook her head in agreement, "that is one possibility. protagonists in college, check." She then went to wave her hand towards Anika, Abby, Ethan and Quinn. "suspicious new characters to round out the suspect list/body count. Check, check and check."

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