chapter 32

194 13 1

Navi's pov:

I was sleeping but suddenly I heard some different sounds.

I woke up..

Then I went to room where the sounds are coming.
But the scene shocked me..


He is crying and murmuring something in his sleep. His breaths are heavy, he is sweating...

I quickly went towards him....

"Ansh ...."

I cupped his face...

"Ansh wake up. It's just a bad dream... everything is fine.. wake up"

After some minutes he woke up panting....

But when his eyes fell on me one but one tear started to fall from his eyes....

"L.... love"

"Yes.. I am here. Everything is fine. It's just a bad dream"

He didn't said anything but just put his head on my lap started to cry...

"L.. love it's n...not just d.. drea...m ... it's my harsh painful past.... which is hunting me love......"

"Shh everything will be fine"

"Love I love you.... please be with me .... don't leave me.....I can't leave without you love"

I didn't say anything just caressed his hair......

After some minutes I didn't heard his cry...I checked him....He is asleep.

He is just looking like a innocent baby.

Does he got this nightmare every night??
That's why there's always dark circles under his eyes.

I don't know what he has gone through but I promise you from now on I will not let you suffer.

I will try my best to give you every single happiness.

I will always be with you.....

I will support you in every step u take.

I put his head on pillow and about to go but he is holding my left hand tightly. I don't want to distrub his sleep. So I just sit there looking at him and don't know when sleep consumed me.

My sleep distrub due to sunlight.
I woke up and check the time.

OMG it's 6Am.

I look at him he is holding my hand and sleeping paecfully. So I carefully take my hand from his hold and went to bathroom to do my morning routine.

After doing my morning routine I pray for sometime.
Then went to kitchen to make breakfast.

I was making poha he came.

"Good morning love"

"Good morning...did you take shower?" I asked him seeing his wet hair

"Yes love"

""Sit and have breakfast "

I served him and went inside . Come back with towel.
He was not eating. I knew it. He never eat without me. I started to dry his hair. He stiffned but then relaxed.

"Love what are you doing??"

"Can't you see I am drying your hair..... otherwise you will catch cold already the weather is not good and you wet your hair."

After drying his hair I combed his hair with my fingers cuz it was covering his forehead. I must say his hair is very silky.

After that I sat with his and started to eat.

When I look at him. It's looking like he is just swallowing poha. His face is looking irritated, he is pouting.
Don't he like poha?

I didn't know that. He often have dinner but we rarely have breakfast together so I didn't know.

"Don't you like poha?" I asked him

He look at me with wide eyes...

" love I love poha... really it's very tasty"

I knew it. He will never accept. I don't know why ne never said anything to me. I mean one I pour salt instead of sugar in halwa, he didn't said anything eat quietly but when I eat I vomit. I asked him why was he eating he just said cuz I made it.

He never complained anything may be he thought if he said anything I will no let him come near me....I always see fear in his eyes.

I didn't said anything my make a mental not in will make something else from now on.

Then I remember about last night. I am sure he didn't took medicine yesterday.

"You are not taking your medicine. Are you??" I asked him raising my eyebrow.

He is looking nervous.....

"I...I "

"Yes or no???"

"No" he whispered

"" fo....ur d..ays"


"Since last four days"

I just glared him. That's why he is getting nightmare cuz the medicine have very little amount of sleeping drug which make him sleep but he is not taking them regularly that's why it's not doing it's effect properly.

"Sorry love "

" Listen today you will buy the medicine again and put them here so that I can give you myself. Understand"

"Yes love "

"Okay let's go I am getting late"

After that we left.....

He asked me to drop me but I refused.

Happy reading 🙂🙂🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃

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