chapter 63

164 11 7

Navi's pov:

Have you ever feel like between the devil and deep sea situation in life.....

Right now I am feeling the same...

Yesterday my mummy called me and said .... sorry warned that she is going to start hunt-groom mission and I can't stop I should behave when she will call me in front of those stranger families.

Now what should I tell her....

😈:Mummy I already found your son in law you don't need to do anything...

I can but there is a.... sorry many problems.

1-I don't want to marry now.

2-My mummy is you know.... little... orthodox..I mean she was not but you heard right sangat ka asar (effect of companionship) ... exactly...

And you know who is the sangat is Sarita aunty.... My mummy's bestie and Shreya 's mother.....

I love Shreya....she is my best friend but I hate her mother...she always brainwashed my mummy...

And I am sure she is the only one who put the marriage things in my mummy's brain.

Such a stupid woman...

I don't have contact with Shreya but she has with my mummy...

3-And the third reason is Ansh....He is very much busy now a days...that trash creating problems... it's been one month we visited doctor, he started to go under therapy. And in these months he only stayed 9 days here. 3 for therapy session where I go with him and other like normal . He calls me and visit me but for some time not like before.....I video call him twice while eating cuz I know he neglect it... cuz those people were stalking him.
And as they know that he is in NY so he couldn't able to come out...

So in this situation how should I ask him to go with me ...

4- The most important one .... what should I tell him....
I mean meeting my parents mean finalizing marriage date so I am confused what should I said to him???

Ahh it's so embarassing!!!!

But at the end I know one thing that I have to introduce Ansh to my parents in two days otherwise..... let's not go there...

Tring ..tring...

😈: Speak of the devil, devil is here....

Hwww from which angle he look devil to you....he is an Angel that also cute one....

😈: Aren't you feeling michmichi now??

Shut up...

"Hello Love"

" Hello"

"Love you are free??"


"Okay I am coming to pick you"


"In 10 minutes and I am going to stay..."

"Really!!!" I suddenly got so much excited cuz it's been one and half week he stayed with me, we cooked together, we eat together,I looked at his sleeping face, we watched movie together but I control my-jumping-self.


"Yeah ok I am coming"

After 10 minutes:
As I know it will take more than 15 minutes to reach him here, I was going through some file when someone knocks my cabin.

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