chapter 65

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Third person's pov:

Aaryansh is sitting on balcony doing something in his MacBook.

It's past dinner time already. He was going to hotel but his dear brother in law didn't let him ....even his parents also said him to stay here.

He would have refused but his fear didn't let him go away from Navi. Yes fear of rejection. Today all day her parents didn't said anything about marriage in front of him.... surely they talk with Navi but he don't know what....

He is calm but internally he is scared....

What if they don't like him?? What if they thought he is suitable for Navi??

So he didn't go away thinking something illogical.....

He couldn't able to talk with her properly but she is infront of his eyes... that's enough for him...

His thoughts are broken by a throat clearing.....

He looked bake...his father in law was standing there...

He was about to stand but he said...

"No no sit...I also came to sit here only" saying this he sat down.....

No one is speaking anything.....but Aaryansh's whole focus was on Nilesh, his father in law....

Suddenly Nilesh spoke.....

"You are lucky... you got the place which I thought no-one can get"

Aaryansh looked him confused....

He chuckled.....

"In Navi's heart"

Aaryansh was taken back by his cool answer.....

Does that mean .....

"I approved you the moment I saw you.... holding her hand on the door....I was not surprised to see that you are holding her hand but surprise thinking she let you hold her hand...."

Aaryansh looked him confused again....

"My daughter is very much practical....very much that I was scared that her practical thinking can create problems in her happiness.....but now I am relieved seeing you..... you must have worked hard to gain her trust, which is unreachable.... "

Aaryansh just smiled a little.....

"You know when my daughter born she is an perfect example of sunshine...she used to jump from here to there, used to talk a lot, she was fond of people.... you know when first time she learnt the word love you from TV she used to said this to everyone....every single person .... her eyes used to bright....but......she changed with time... it's not her fault though she stopped smiling, stopped talking.    Became silent... and I blame himself for that. We may be support her financially but didn't support her mentally....she beared everything alone....she is A doctor because of her... only her...we didn't support her we just demotivate her saying how bad her decision is..."

He stood up and chuckled but sad one ....

"When she was giving her entrance I used to face some problem in my job and with every frustration I also..... you know how fool we were, we compare a school student with her....we started to compare ishan with her....... you know from childhood she used to serve food everyone.....she love it but we started to blame her on dinner table, she stopped eating with us and stopped serving us...but after years I saw her serving someone with care....are not you lucky??she doesn't claim any rights on anyone...but for the first time I heard her calling someone mine ....I knew she found her better half....but I didn't said anything down there cuz I wanted her brother to take stand for between us , there relation started to get awkward.... when I realised I started to work on that.....I don't think our relation will get better but I want them to reunite again "

He looked Aaryansh and smiled...

"I am telling you cuz I want you to know how much special you are for her cuz I know she is not expressive...but you hold the place in her heart where she never let anyone visit....she always stay away from boys... And after Shreya's case she started to maintain 5 feet safe distance...."  He stopped but again said....

"I am sad for Shreya but for some reason I am relieved that they are not in contact "

Aaryansh looked him surprised.....

"But she is her bestfriend a...."

"Yeah bestfriend in whose love she is blind just like her mother " he sarcastically said


"I don't know but I just don't like her that much.... and let me remind you If she had been here then she would not have let you both to come together."

"How are you sure??"

"Father's insict"


But then Aaryansh ask....

"That women Sarita interfere in your family matters...why didn't you take any stand??"

"I tried more than thousands times but end up with a big argument , losing my peace.... Amrita and Sarita are childhood friends and Sarita helped her in many things in childhood as Amrita' s family were not that much well financially....even my family met Amrita in Sarita's Amrit thinks that it's all because of that she is so much GrEaTfUl to her..... sometimes it's so annoying... you know Amrita was not like that but that women is reason of every problem in our family.....I tried to make her see how much bad this lady is but no for Amrita she is like some guardian angel.... and you know I feel like that sarita has some grudges against my daughter...she is always behind her"

Like this they started to talk...more likely to Nilesh talk and Aaryansh listening.... something about Navi's childhood incidents... someone about his guilt for not supporting his daughter and something about business related.....

After one hour....

Nilesh stood up and said...
"I think I should go now ....I have to woke up early . I have to go pandit ji  for to talk about your marriage.... you also go and sleep it's late..."

He was about to go but suddenly Aaryansh spoke....

"Uncle "

Nilesh turned....

"I was saying that can we do the engagement now and later weeding after sometime "

"Ofcourse.. what you thought we are going to get u married tomorrow "

"No no I mean we can get married when Navi will be ready "

"But she is..."

"Not completely...she said yes cuz aunty was persisting her.... otherwise she isn't ready yet and moreover she just completed her studies recently..I want her to enjoy her life "

Nilesh raised his eyebrows....

"What do you mean....are not you going to let her enjoy after marriage??"

"No no nothing like that but you know there's a huge difference between bachelor life and married life so I just want her to enjoy her bachelor life"

Nilesh smiled and patted his shoulder and said
"Okay... don't worry.... good night"

"Good night"

Nilesh left.. Aaryansh sat there thinking about the things Nilesh told him....

He knew Navi faced many problems but hearing the details he felt pain in heart.....she masked her pain and problem very perfectly.....

In these whole time while there are together it's always him , who get comfort and it's always her her  taken care... isn't it the boy who comfort the girl in relationship.. he never actually did anything which can make her feel protected and get comfort....she always stood for him and everytime he ran to her selfishly. Are not he selfish???

He started to think those stupid things without knowing his mere presence is enough for her to fell every type of emotions.... ofcourse positive ones....

Happy reading 🙂🙂🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃

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