chapter 59

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Navi's pov:

Do criminal feel like this sitting in bureau??

But I am not criminal....

But they are looking at me like that only...

We are sitting on chair infront of my  friends who are glaring the poor soul who is sitting beside me... and shifting in his seat in every second....

And the funny part is looking at them I feel like laughing cuz they four are sitting on my sofa squeezing eachother....

And that is funny....

"When are you planning to tell us about him?" Dev asked

"I...I was thinking..."

"Coming from your honeymoon "
Hearing this Ansh again shift in embarassment....

Now who will tell them he is not like us.....I mean like them. He is very Sarif....

"No it's not like that" but they ignored me and asked him
"So u love her"
"Yes" Ansh said without any hesitation....

"And why???"

"I also don't know.....may be cuz love is unreasonable."

"Learn something from him" kriti said to kushal...

Oo she is not that much angry....she approved him.

"Oo now tell us ... what you do? Your occupation??"

"I am in business field....I am CEO in my company"

"Which company??"

"A.I Ltd.. company "

"Okay... WHAT??" Yelled kushal and Dev and.....

Tanay and kriti fell from sofa....

And sorry to say I couldn't able to hold myself and laugh for which I got two glares.. so I helped them.

"What the hell wrong with you??" Yelled tanay to the both who are still in shock...

"So... you are Aarynsh Raichand " Started Kushal which complete Dev....

There's a pin drop silent which was broken by door bell...

Food delivery...

"I think we should eat"

We all started to eat with silence.
After dinner Ansh said he have to leave so he left and I went after him to drop him...

When we reached corridor.

"Love why are they behaving like that??"
"Nothing they are like that only but why are you so nervous??"

"Cuz I know there approval matters to you "

"Yeah don't think too much you go and take rest "

When I went inside suddenly Dev spoke
"Navi he is The Aarynsh Raichand"

"And he is a multi-billionare" complet kushal.

"I know and that the reason once I decided to go away from him but..."

"His love didn't let you " kriti said..
"Yeah "
"Navi he loves you and it can be seen fro his eyes...the way he is looking at you when you are smiling as we fell down from sofa. It was clear that..."

"how was he looking at her??" Tanay asked very curiously..

"Like everything is invisible except her..."


"Yup and I am very happy for you a..."
"But still you didn't tell us anything don't we matter to you anything??"" Dev sad with sadness...

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