Chapter 3: My Golden Ticket

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Roomie, Mika's roommate, was someone that had made several appearances on Mika's stream. Although she had never shown what she looked like on stream, she's known to be smart, capable, and most importantly for me right now, sane. There's no doubt in my mind that she's unaware about my kidnapping, and there's a high chance that she wouldn't just let this situation continue in the house that they're sharing.

'If it's her, she could definitely get me out of here.'

The only real hurdle for this plan is getting Roomie to help me without Mika noticing. I could imagine what would happen if I mess this up:

1. Mika found out Roomie is trying to help me escape

2. Mika tied up Roomie down here with me

3. ???

4. Meat grinder

5. ???

6. Mika will have a beautiful garden growing in her backyard!

'It will be another bad end!'

I need to avoid another bad ending no matter what. Thankfully, there's a perfect opportunity that would help me with my escape plan.

'She needs to stream pretty soon.'

From the amount of time left in the waiting room, she'll need to get out of here right now and prepare for her stream. At that moment, she'll be too preoccupied to notice what I'm doing.

As if on cue, Mika started ascending upstairs, "Anyway, just be patient, okay? I'll see you after the stream!"

"Mphff mhf."

'Fuck off.'

I swore at her with my duct-taped mouth, but judging by her smile, it seemed like she interpreted it as loving words. She waved at me before closing the door and locking it behind her.

Not long after, a conversation can be heard above me. I calmed myself down and began to eavesdrop as much as I could.

"I'm reaaaaally sorry, but I gotta prepare for my stream right now. Can you do it for me instead?" I could pick up Mika's voice in the middle of a conversation.

"That's why I told you to throw out the trash this morning. It's fine, I'll do it." An unfamiliar voice answered Mika, that must be Roomie.

"Thank you soooooo much! I owe you one!" Mika's voice got more distant as she thanked Roomie.

"Hah, you owe me thirty by now, just hurry on to your stream. I'll be sorting out the groceries here if you need anything." Roomie responded sarcastically.

Seems like Roomie's stuck with doing chores while Mika's off to prepare her stream. This timing's about as good as it gets, all I have to do is get her attention.

'Wait, how do I get her attention?'

Shit, I should've figured this out first. With my limbs bound and my mouth duct-taped, it's pretty hard to make a noise that's loud enough to be noticed.


I tried shouting anyway, but the muffled shout didn't have any impact. I could tell that Roomie's still moving around the groceries above me, unaware of my distress.

Knocking over the tablet or even myself could make a loud enough noise, but I won't have any other options if she just happened to miss it. Furthermore, if Roomie didn't notice it and Mika came back from streaming, I would have to explain what happened. I don't have an excuse for that yet, so I'll put it as a last resort.

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