Chapter 8: Her Secret

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After lunch, everyone sort of gathered in the living room to chat and play. Several people decided to play a game of Monopoly and as expected, things started heating up.

"Listen Ike, this trade will mutually benefit us. I'm practically giving you everything that I can give you, please Ike!" Reimu begged Ike for a property that would let her get her first Monopoly in the game.

"Hmmm, I'm not sure about this... What do you think about this trade, Advisor Vox?" Ike asked Vox with a playful tone that clearly showed he wasn't even considering accepting her trade offer.

"With all due respect, Your Majesty, it seems that this trade is straight ass and she is in fact trying to scam you," Vox played along with Ike's intentions.

"Insightful observation as always, Advisor Vox. Sorry Reimu, no deal," Ike cheekily denied Reimu's offer.


Everyone watching laughed at their antics, including me. Their attention had finally moved on from me since lunch and I was able to rest for a bit. Just listening to others' stories has been relaxing for me. I guess that's why I could just be stuck listening to a stream for hours.

I excused myself from the others to wash my hands after snacking on some chips. They nodded at me for a moment before continuing their conversation with each other.

I decided to go for the kitchen sink instead of the washroom because it's closer. Upon arriving, I saw a man with short, light brown hair, who was washing his own hands as well.

"Go ahead, I just finished," said Oliver, who proceeded to make space at the sink while wiping his hands.


I went ahead and washed my hands with Oliver standing next to me.

"So, Mika's lover huh? Can't believe she'd finally got one," Oliver started some small talk with me.

"I still can't believe it myself, haha."

Seems like the hectic incidents before lunch had finally desensitized me from being called "Mika's lover". The urge to bash my head to the wall and roll around on the floor every time I heard it had decreased to a level that I could tolerate. I even managed to properly respond to Oliver despite hearing that despicable title from him.

"She could be a bit difficult to deal with, so please hang in there," Oliver gave me a word of encouragement.

"Oh don't worry, I know."

'Trust me, she's ten times more difficult than however much you're thinking off.'

Oliver smirked after hearing my response, "I should've known that you already knew, especially if you're Mika's fan."

"Haha, you got that right."

We laughed for a bit at Mika's expense.

"...Take good care of her, alright? She's not very bright, but she always means well," Oliver suddenly spoke in a serious tone.

I was a bit taken aback from Oliver's sudden change of tone. Even after making fun of Mika, he still cares about her. He truly is...


"Don't say that ever again."

"My bad."

Oliver coughed to clear the air and continued, "...Anyway, I'm sure you can handle her well enough."

'I'm already doing my best in that department, Oliver.'

"Honestly, if there's anything you need help with about her, just ask me or everyone else," offered Oliver.

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