Chapter 6: Lover's Debut

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Today's the big day, I'll finally meet Mika's friends as her "lover". I could feel myself cringing every time I think about it, but it was the setting that Mika had created, all I could do now is follow it.

She left to pick up her friends, leaving me in her house by myself. She was debating with herself on whether she should take me along, but I convinced her that I should stay to make her friends look forward to it even more. Naturally, all the doors and windows were locked.

'Well, I'm not gonna try to escape today anyway.'

If I escaped right now, all of Niji EN that visited to meet me would have to deal with the aftermath of the Mika-bomb. No matter how much of a bastard I am, leaving behind innocent bystanders that came for me would be too much.

Honestly, stepping outside of that basement really lifted my mood. Sunlight and the outside world felt almost foreign to me, even though I've only been stuck down there for a couple days. My desire to escape was rekindled once more as I looked out the window.

'This is just a small taste of freedom... Next time I'm out here, it will be for my escape.'

Moments later, I noticed a car coming to a stop in front of the house. Several people that I recognized started exiting the vehicle.

'Vox, Enna, Reimu, Millie, Ike, Alban, Luca... even Oliver too? Are they gathering the Avengers lineup over here?'

I stopped looking outside to calm myself down. I need to give them a good first impression.

'Phew... Alright, just stay cool. Everything will be fine as long as I act normal. Just remember what I need to do.'

My mind's finally clear. I'll have to make sure that everyone doesn't find out the truth behind my relationship with Mika and defuse any situation that could set off the Mika-bomb. Other than that, just make sure that everyone has a good time.

I heard the front door lock fiddling from Mika unlocking it. I steeled my resolve and prepared to welcome them, putting on the friendliest smile I got. As soon as the door opened, several voices could be heard.

"Alright Mika, now show us this imaginary lover of yours," said someone who sounds like Enna.

"Imaginary? I'm telling you it's real!" answered Mika in a frustrated tone.

"Don't worry Mika, we understand that this lover is in fact very real to you-" I heard Millie talking before she stopped, as everyone finally noticed me standing at the entrance.

"Hi everyone, nice to meet you," I welcomed them politely.

They stood in silence for a bit, before erupting loudly.

"Oh my God it's real?!"

"There's no way!"

"Mika, congratulations on finally becoming a woman."

"Hey, what did you mean by that!"

"H-How much did she pay you? Is this like rent-a-lover or something?"

'I wish I was getting paid for this...'

Everyone was loudly talking over each other, to the point that I couldn't recognize who's talking. It took a while for everyone to calm down.

"Alright guys, calm down. You're making our star nervous. Let's get inside first, shall we?" said Ike with a calming voice.

The man with brown and blue-tipped hair managed to calm everyone down. I've always recognized him as the voice of reason within the group, but he truly is a great help in this situation.

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