Chapter 7: Lover's Act

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Luca Kaneshiro is, without a doubt, a good-natured person. Although he might have a mischievous streak sometimes, it's usually done in good fun instead of malice. He's the kind of person that would talk to strangers and help them if he could.

And now this kind bastard is trying to help me walk right into a bad ending.

'Damn it, how do I get him to back off?'

There's no doubt that he'll loudly shout something along the lines of, "Wow, what's all this down here?" if he saw the basement. I need to stop him no matter what.

"It's alright Luca, I don't want to bother you when you've already come all the way here. You're probably tired from the trip, right? Feel free to sit and rest for a bit before lunch." I politely offered Luca to take a rest.

'It's perfect, there's no way for him to reject such consideration for a guest!'

Luca quickly answered me, "It doesn't bother me at all! Besides, my body feels stiff from just sitting around. Now I can loosen up AND help you out at the same time! Pog!"

'This goddamn himbo, it just slides right off him!'

He's really hellbent on helping me out, and I don't have a good reason to reject his help. Rejecting him without any reason would just fuel his curiosity or even make him suspicious. My mind raced to find a fitting solution.

'Wait... What if he could help me by going away?'

Since he insists on helping me, then if I could convince him that going away would help me, there's no doubt that he would accept it without a second thought. But what could possibly convince him to go away from here...?

An idea crossed my mind, but I got a feeling that I wouldn't like the outcome of this idea. Unfortunately, it's the only choice that I have right now.

'Shit... Here goes nothing.'

I finally spoke to Luca, "Well, I'm just worried that Mika might need some help while I'm away."

"True, but I'm sure the others would help her out when I'm not there," Luca answered.

"You're right... It's just that I can't help but be worried for her, you know?"

I felt like cringing from my own words, but I knew that I had to go even further for the perfect excuse.

"I l-love her, after all."

'I fucking said it! Shit!! Shit!!! GYAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!'

I managed to stop myself from slamming my head into the wall through sheer will. My face heated up from the embarrassment of saying such bullshit, but it should help convince Luca that I truly meant what I said.

"Can you stick around there just in case she does need help? It would be a great load off my chest if you could do that for me."

'You better say yes, you son of a bitch, I pulled all the stops for this. I might actually go crazy if you still insist on going. Shit, please... Please!!'

After I said that, Luca's expression turned into a cheeky grin.

"Aw, you really DO care a lot about Mika, huh? It almost makes me jealous!" He spoke loudly while patting my back repeatedly.

'Luca, please, don't say it out loud...'

Unfortunately, Luca just kept going like a train without brakes, "Don't you worry, you can do your own thing! I'll keep a look out for Mika just for you!"

'You don't have to keep going, dude.'

"Don't take too long, alright? Wouldn't want Mika to miss you, haha!" Luca said his final piece before going back to the others.

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