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Hello everyone, this is NotToYu, author of this story that you just finished reading.

I just want to put my thoughts into writing after finishing this story. Just the usual stuff, saying my thanks to every single one of you, my thoughts behind writing this story, and a few surprises that you'll like! Feel free to skip ahead if you don't like the sappy stuff though. Just think of it as the ramblings from a first-time writer, lol.

Before I even start writing anything else, I just wanna say thank you so much for reading my first published story until the very end.

It's unironically crazy to think that anyone would be invested enough in my writing to read it all the way through, let alone reaching 1,000 reads! Whether you stuck to the end because of how much you like my writing, from morbid curiosity of how this story could possibly end, or you're simply stuck in a sunk-cost fallacy from spending too much time reading this story that led you to keep reading all the way through; thank you so much for still being here!

I also appreciate everyone that had ever read this story, even if they dropped this story mid-way. Thank you for giving my story a chance, and I hope my next story will get you hooked!

Of course, I can't say enough thanks to everyone that either voted, commented, put my book into their reading list, and even followed me. I legitimately wouldn't have been able to write this much without all of your support. If Mika's the person that got me to start writing, every single one of you were the reason that I kept writing until today! So again, thank you!

Mika is a VTuber that I met by chance while browsing on Youtube. She's awkward, an idiot, and the living proof of God's mercy from how she's still alive despite missing several necessary common sense. However, she's also a lovable dork that worked hard and showed overflowing passion for everything that she likes. And that just got me stuck watching her. Unfortunately she'll be graduating from being a VTuber, so I hope this could be my tribute to her, just some kinda proof that she existed.

I started writing when Mika opened a fanfiction submission for her charity stream. I've wanted to give writing a shot for some time, but she was the reason I finally put it into motion. By chance, it was the first story that she read for the day, and the reaction from her and everyone watching was good. It was everything that I could've wanted. And it became the trigger for me to think, "I want to write more". So thank you, Mika and everyone in the chat that day, you've truly changed the trajectory of my life.

Also here's one of the surprise for you guys, I've published the story that started it all now! It's a short story romcom between Enna and Mika involving love potion. If you like my current story, I'd definitely recommend checking this one out! (Also, I've included a clip of her reading it in stream in there)

Future works + Sneak peek

Of course, I intend to keep writing in the future. I currently have several ideas that I wanted to write already. As my next surprise, I'll give you all a sneak peek of my next writing!

The story idea that I'll work on next is a Luxiem story with some mystery and a lot of friendship, here's a sneak peek for it!

Knock knock!

"Ike, are you there?" Shu asked as he knocked on the front door of Ike's house.

"What if he's outside right now? Maybe we should've called again before coming here?" asked Luca.

"Well we tried that, but he didn't answer for the past few weeks. No calls, chats, nothing. I'm sure he's in there anyway," answered Mysta.

"Oh, how did you figure that one out, detective?" Vox asked expectantly.

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