Chapter 18: My Yandere Oshi [END]

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I started making a cup of coffee for myself in the kitchen. While waiting for the water to finish boiling, I began rummaging around the pantry to find anything to fill our stomach.

'There are some instant noodles, but I'm not really in the mood for it right now.'

The charm of instant noodles came from eating it once in a while. Eating it everyday will make you sick of the taste instead, not to mention the lack of nutrition from it. As an instant noodle enthusiast, I refuse to do things that would lower my enjoyment from eating them.

My scavenging adventure led me to the fridge where I encountered an assortment of fruits. My mind spurred into action from this finding.

'An apple, a pear, and half a melon... Let's just stuff ourselves with these, maybe we can go grocery shopping together when we finish our work.'

I immediately went to work and started cutting the fruits into bite-sized pieces. Unfortunately, it didn't go as well as I thought it would.

'Eh? Why didn't all the skin get sliced off in one move? The Youtube videos I watched made it look so easy! Damn, now I sliced off too much of the fruit! Aaaaaaagh!'

As the kettle of water whistled, I finally finished cutting up the fruits into a bowl. The fruit pieces were cut irregularly, with each piece having different sizes and shapes. The only thing I could be proud of is the fact that I've managed to remove all the seeds and skin from them.

'...Well, looks don't matter, right? The taste shouldn't be impacted by how I cut it... right? I'm sure Mika wouldn't mind...'

I took a bite to prove my point and thankfully, it tasted normal. I put aside the bowl of fruit and poured the boiling water into the cup of coffee that I've prepared before stirring it. The fragrance of coffee started spreading through the kitchen.

While stirring the cup of coffee, I noticed Mika entering the kitchen silently. She looked tired, but I couldn't really tell what she was feeling other than that. I guess I was too tired to decipher her expression right now.

"Finally decided to wake up, sleepyhead?" I decided to throw her own words back at her cheekily.


Oddly, she didn't respond to my snarky remark. Her eyes twitched slightly from hearing it, but nothing else. She only kept staring at me.

'Fuck, why is she being so scary for no reason? I was just joking, man.'

My sleep deprived brain couldn't come up with a reason behind her current mood right now. Was she just upset from being tired? Maybe that drove her into her extreme mood? Was it possible that she didn't like it when I left her room by myself? Or was my joke earlier that bad?

I'm severely lacking information right now, but the silence was too much to bear. I finally gave in and attempted to defuse the situation lightly.

"W-Well, I was about to ask you if you wanted some coffee earlier, but you're fast asleep. And I didn't really want to wake you up, you know?"


She glanced at the cup of coffee briefly, but she went back to stare at me.

My question was only met with silence, but I had to keep trying. "If you want some coffee as well, I could- um, make you some right now! Wouldn't take too long!"


No response as well.

I tried my best to hang on, but I started to falter from the silent treatment. "I... cut you some fruits if you're feeling hungry?"

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