Part One | 42

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Chapter 42


Ever since the whole accidentally-falling-asleep-in-Collie's-bed-with-Collie incident, my summer was hardly a summer. I was held on a tight leash. I could barely do anything. Hanging out with Grady was only possible if he could come to my house. Swimming at the Rec Center or playing basketball at the park wasn't allowed. Playing on the internet on the play station was prohibited. Everything that makes the summer potentially fun was thrown out the window. And okay, fine, I understand why. Yes, I deserved the punishment. I didn't follow rules and took advantage of my parents' trust, but it's been nearly two weeks already.

"Ursanne! Brayden! Your grades came out in the mail today!" Melissa called from downstairs.

It was almost three o'clock, one hour away from the Pawtucket Red Sox game I had gotten for Easter. Greg became more and more excited as this day came closer. He referred to it as another day of Father-Son bonding, which is good, sure, but haven't we had enough of those? I consider Greg a father now. I've been considering him as one.

"Brayden, you coming?" Ursa asked me, peeping in through my door.

"Yeah," I said, looking over my shoulder as I scanned my closet for a red t-shirt. I didn't have any Pawtucket Red Sox gear, so my only option was to be at least color coordinated with everyone that would be there. I knew in the back of my head, though that Greg would probably buy me a shirt there.

Throwing a red shirt on, I ran out of my room to the kitchen downstairs. Ursanne and Melissa were standing next to each other, peering down at a folded piece of paper.

"Yes!" Ursanne breathed. "I got it!"

"You got what?" I inquired, going over to them.

"A 4.0."

I gawked. "You got all A's?"

"She didn't get them. She earned 'em," Greg smiled, walking into the kitchen through the back door that lead to the garage.

"Well, yeah," I shrugged, a little embarrassed.

"Hey, sweetie," Melissa greeted her husband. "How was work?"

"Not bad today," he smiled, taking off his tie. "I've got to use the restroom. I'll be right back!"

We all kind of just stared at the doorway even though he was no longer there. Finally, Melissa lifted my paper, still folded.

"Ready to see yours, Brayden?"

I nodded. She opened the paper slowly. A year ago, these numbers didn't mean anything to me. They were just numbers. Letter grades were just letters. Now, they hold significance, and to be honest, I was actually proud of what I had gotten.

"You got a 3.4!" she exclaimed, turning the paper around for me to see.

"A 3.4?"

"That's so great, Brayden!" Ursa said, coming over and hugging me, too.

"So... I did good," I said, looking at Melissa.

Her smile didn't falter. "Of course you did good! There's a reason you got a car."

I stared at her, confused. Ursanne nudged me. "Parents get notified of the grades immediately after finals are all calculated."

That makes sense. "Well then... Can I be ungrounded?"

Melissa pressed her lips together, her face thoughtful. "Um, Brayden," she said slowly. "You shouldn't even be allowed to go to the game, but your father's really excited to spend time with you."

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