Part One | 55

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Chapter 55

All She Did Was Lie

The days after Homecoming didn't get better. I began seeing Collie and Zech everywhere. I hated it. People eventually even started liking them together after they saw me "over her" with Bella. It didn't get awkward between us like I feared. In fact, Bella and I actually got closer. Still, with no feeling attached.

In fact, yesterday at lunch, she told me how she has an eye for a guy in her History class. I told her to go for it, mostly because I wanted her to completely get over me. It wasn't that I didn't like her being into me, I just felt bad because even though I thought I was over my ex, I wasn't. At all. And if I did potentially like Bella, I knew that it would take a long time to fully let myself want to be with her and not Collie. And she doesn't deserve that.

School just ended when I saw them together again, Collie and Zech. It was just about the worst thing I could see, the most disgusting image engraved in my brain. Collie was making out with him against the lockers. Obviously, they didn't think anyone was around until they heard me kind of do a really quiet gasp.

Immediately, Zech stepped back and they both jerked their heads toward me. At first, he looked scared, probably because he thought I was a teacher, but once he saw that it wasn't and it was his girlfriend's ex boyfriend, he smiled.

"We should probably get a room, huh," he smirked.

"Zech," Collie scolded.

I looked to the floor, my throat suddenly dry. I shook my head and walked passed them, not saying a word.

"Did you have to do that?" Collie whispered although I could hear her perfectly.

I began walking faster so that I wouldn't have to hear them argue the way she and I argued. Is it weird that I miss fighting with her? Is it weird that I'd rather she fight with me than him?

I wasn't going to lie. Seeing her... kiss him was very painful. It was locked in my brain while I drove and when I got home. Melissa and Greg were going to have a date night so dinner was on our own. All the girls did their own thing so watching them wasn't exactly important.

Since it was a school night, putting them to bed was the only necessary thing I had to do, but Ursanne told me she'd take care of it when I told her I was tired.

I thought I was. I thought I was tired, but I didn't fall asleep. Not even when it was midnight. I just thought about her.

It was weird.

I never ever though that a month ago, I'd be here, without her. I never thought we'd end because of Zech. I never thought our relationship would turn out like this. Sure, maybe I would've ended it, but would I have really? I don't know.

Over the span of weeks, it was crazy to see how completely different things could change.

I stared at the ceiling of my bedroom, thinking about literally everything that happened this year. My life could have been a movie that Josephine and I watch. It could have been a dramatic story read by adults. My life was everything but normal, or maybe it was too normal.

I hurt. Everywhere in me hurt. My head hurt. My chest hurt. My heart hurt. I couldn't sleep because I know I'd wake up tomorrow morning, wishing that my dream had been real, wishing that I was still with my cheating ex-girlfriend.

Collie had been the ultimate highlight of my leaving St. Anne's and becoming a Pierson. She was the reason for my smile everyday at Constance. She was the reason why I held on. Because of her, I had lost plenty. She ruined me, but I didn't care. She still mattered. I'd still take a bullet for her. I still love her. Does she deserve any of that? No.

Splinters: Part OneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora