Part One | 15

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Chapter 15

Thanksgiving Family Get-Together

As Collie and I sat in the library, we quietly whispered to each other about the situation regarding Andrew and Grady.

"You can't really blame him, though, Brayden," she said to me. "You have to understand, Grady and Andrew are two very different people. Grady is classified as someone low in this school. Andrew and Braxton and Tristen and them, they're all at the top of the pyramid."

"It's stupid," I said, jerking my head towards her. "How can you stand to be in this school?"

Collie stared at me with sad eyes. Shaking my head and looking away, I sighed.

"I'm sorry."

Collie's soft pink lips met my cheek. "I understand."

I felt my face flush as she sat back. We both fell into an awkward silence. It bothered me. Collie and I were never awkward towards each other. It made me feel weird, almost like the way I feel around Greg.

"So, there's something I've kind of-"

"Shh!" the librarian hushed from behind us.

Collie glanced at her, and then turned back to me. "I've kind of been wondering what we are exactly."

I felt my stomach drop. Collie's eyes looked away from mine. For a second, I thought I was in serious trouble.

"W-what do you mean?"

Collie shrugged and shook her head. "Like, you haven't exactly asked me to be your girlfriend and I don't-"

"Are you..." I swallowed. "Are you supposed to ask girls to be your girlfriend?"

I thought that was just in the movies.

Collie's eyebrows furrowed. I suddenly felt like an idiot for asking a question like that, but I was actually genuinely curious. I don't know any of this stuff. Should I? Was that a stupid question? Do boys normally do that?

"Most of the time."


I could tell my answer wasn't what Collie was hoping for once she looked away. I didn't know if I was supposed to ask her now or... I was too shy to ask her now. And if I did, it'd look like I was forced to do it.


It was honestly like a call from the gods once the bell rang. Collie stared at me for a second and nodded. She got up without a word and began walking away.

"Collie!" I shouted, hurrying to gather my things and head towards her.

"Shh!" the librarian hushed louder, putting an index finger to her lips angrily.

I whispered an 'I'm sorry' before realizing Collie was almost out of the door once I had my stuff.

"Collie, wait!" I said again, but much quieter. She didn't turn.

I began fast-walking towards her and just as I was about to touch her shoulder, Andrew stepped in front of me. "Brayden."

Shocked, I took a step back. I narrowed my eyes at him and tried to push passed him, mumbling an angered "Excuse me."

"Wait, Brayden," he said, holding me back by the left forearm. "One sec. I just need to talk to you."

"I need to get to Lit. class."

"Great because that's my class, too." He tried to smile, but it looked uneasy to me.

I sighed. "Fine."

Splinters: Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now