Part One | 18

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Chapter 18

Telling the Truth

"You look great!" Melissa exclaimed, taking a step back as she examined me in my suit.

I wasn't planning on going this far out for the dance, but when I asked her to give me something to wear, she didn't hesitate in getting me dressed in a good looking outfit. My sisters stood near her as they watched their mother take multiple pictures of me. When I glanced at the one person who I was scared to see, I was shocked to notice that my expectations were wrong. Ursanne was almost smiling as she took in my appearance with a cup of water in her left hand.

"You don't look that bad actually," Dera commented.

Melissa scoffed. "Please! He looks wonderful!"

I bowed my head, feeling my face heat up. Our heads snapped towards the hall when we all heard the door knock. I already knew who it was. Melissa made her way to the door and just as I anticipated, there was Collie, and man, did she look perfect or what!

She wore this flowy light blue dress and her hair was neatly curled. I wanted to go right up and kiss her, but that would have to wait. There was no way I had that kind of confidence in front of my family.

"Hi, Collie, we've heard a lot about you," Greg said next to Melissa.

Collie stepped in when Melissa opened the door wider for her, glancing at me. "Good things I hope."

I grinned at her as she advanced towards me.

"Pictures! I need pictures!" Melissa shouted after a short moment of silence.

I pressed my lips together and wrapped my arm around Collie's waist. She laughed and leant into my side. Melissa took a little too many pictures than necessary before I and everyone else begged her to let us go.

I hugged everyone and said my goodbyes. Ursanne stepped toward me

"Go have a good time."

I don't know why, but her words made me feel so much better. When Ursanne found out about the dance, I don't think she was really all that surprised. I think she'd been expecting something like that to happen sometime soon. She didn't seem happy about it, but not disappointed, and I'll take that any day.

"Have fun," Melissa shouted from the door. "Be safe!"

I nodded, turned and followed Collie out the door, closing it behind me.

"Wow," she mumbled.

"Yeah, um, sorry about that."

She giggled. "My parents didn't even spare me a second glance when I left."

"You look really pretty," I reminded, grasping her hand as we trudged down the porch towards her car.

I could see the small smile begin to come. "Thank you."

She walked to her side of the car while I got into the passenger side. It was a little cold inside so Collie turned up the heat as soon as she turned the key in ignition. Music began playing and I was tempted to turn it down. It wasn't music I'd like to listen to.

We didn't talk much during the ride to Constance, but it wasn't that long of a drive anyway. Collie didn't hold my hand, claiming that she had to keep both hands on the wheel in case she lost control. I didn't blame her. Collie wasn't a bad driver at all, but if I were the one behind the wheel and she were sitting in my spot, I'd want to be extra careful, too.

Not long later, Collie and I arrived at Constance. A whole bunch of students dressed in fancier clothes than our uniform was heading inside the cafeteria, some through the front doors. Collie turned off the car and we both hopped out. I made my way towards her and grasped her hand: one, to show her off to everyone, and two, because I wanted to.

Splinters: Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now