Part One | 46

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Chapter 46 

Eye to Eye

I wasn't any less angry the next day. In fact, I was angrier. How could Ursanne go behind my back and date Andrew? And how could Andrew, after spilling all of my secrets to Zech, have the audacity to get with my sister also behind my back? Was he ever my friend? Or was it all just a big fat lie?

I sighed, sitting at my desk and spinning on my chair, playing all the possibilities. I mean, Andrew could like her, but what if this is a Tiffany & Collie kind of thing? What if Andrew is with Ursa just to get back at me, or he's conspiring with Zech still to expose me even more? It seemed very unlikely that he would go to that extent, but I feel like I honestly don't even know Andrew anymore.

A knock was heard at my door and whoever was behind it didn't care to wait for my permission to open it. My assumption was right when Melissa peeped her head through.

"Brayden?" I looked at her with a blank facial expression, knowing what was to come. "Can I come in?"

I shrugged. Melissa walked inside and opened the blinds, letting in blinding white light. She held a cookie in her left hand and offered it to me, but I shook my head. She nodded before sitting on my bed.

"Okay," she sighed after placing the cookie in her lap. "I want this discussion to be completely honest."

Oh, I'll be honest. "Okay."

"I'll begin," she said. "I did know that Ursa was with Andrew." I narrowed my eyes at her in anger. She knew?! "But I thought you did, too."

I grimaced. "How?"

"Ursa told me that you knew she had a boyfriend."

"I had my assumptions, but she never told me who it was."

"And that's where she's done wrong."

I was getting extremely angry now. Ursa is so wrong! "No, she's wrong all around!"

"Now, Brayden," Melissa tried to calm me, but I was far from calm.

"Melissa, it's not fair! She whined and whined and whined about me being with Collie. I resisted being with her for Ursanne's sake even before she told me what Collie did. But she won't break up with Andrew because their 'relationship' has gone through too much? One, she has no idea how to even maintain a relationship let alone have a successful one that's gone through things like Collie and I have. Two, she's still with him! Even after he told Zech all about me!"

"She stuck up for you, Brayden."

"If she stuck up for me, she wouldn't be with Andrew."

She sighed, realizing that her point was getting nowhere. And she was right.

"She and Andrew are so wrong for each other in so many ways, Melissa!"

"Brayden," she said collectedly. "She really likes him."

I glared at my door and crossed my arms. I don't want Ursanne to like Andrew.

"Brayden, can you answer a very important question for me?"

I didn't reply, and she seemed to take that as a yes.

"If you and Andrew were still friends, would you still dislike the idea of them dating?"

Yes. "Yeah."

"So is this really about Andrew exposing you? Or is it about the same thing Ursa felt when you and Collie began dating? You feel like you'll lose her."

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