Part One | 21

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Chapter 21

Collie's Parents

"So... They liked me?"

I shrugged, even though she couldn't see me. "Well, we couldn't exactly talk about it because after you left, my sisters went off and did something and my parents went to go to talk to Ursanne. Later, though, my dad came in and told me he thought you weren't all that bad and that he likes that I've chosen you."

It was weird calling Greg my dad, but I went on with it.

She sighed. "You have no idea how great that makes me feel, Brayden."

"I'm just sad it wasn't all that good for you."

Collie laughed. "It wasn't bad, it just wasn't that much fun. I thought your sister was going to bite my head off."

I began to rub the back of my neck. "Yeah, I'm really sorry about that. I had no idea she would be that angry."

"Does she really hate me that much, Brayden?"

I sighed. "I-I don't know."

It was quiet for a long moment. I was struggling to find something good to say, to let Collie know that we were fine and that Ursanne wouldn't get between us.

"It's been a year, Br-"

"Do you want to talk about something else?" I interrupted. I hoped she wouldn't feel offended, I just didn't want to make Collie feel worse than she already did. I know her and she feels guilty. I can tell. "I-I mean, because you shouldn't be going crazy over this."

She sighed. "You're right. Yeah. Why don't you come over?"

I froze. What? "W-what? C-come over?"

"Yeah, I mean, I'm practically driving myself nuts over this and I just need to chill out. You can take my mind off of it."

"Are you sure?" I began to feel very nervous. "Like... like right now?"

"Like right now." She sounded confident, which almost scared me.


"I'll be there in, like, ten."

"Wait, Collie-"

But she hung up. I brought my phone from my ear and stared at it. I silently hoped that she was home alone so that no one would interrogate or stare daggers at me like how Caleb did. Afterwards, I rushed out of my room to find Melissa who was in her office typing rather fast on her keyboard, her back to me as she glanced at the screen to the board every few seconds.

I knocked lightly on the door about three times. "Um, Melissa?" I asked quietly.

She stopped immediately and spun around in her black chair. "Hey, Brayden."

I gulped. "Um, Collie asked if I could come over." I leaned on the doorframe. "So... Can I?"

Melissa rose an eyebrow. "That depends. Are her parents home?"

I nodded eagerly. "Yeah, they're home."

I frowned when she sighed, because then I knew that my lie had been believable. I really hated lying, especially to Melissa.

"I guess so. When do you think you'll be home?"

I shrugged, standing straight up now. "I don't know."

"Let me know, okay?"

I nodded and began to turn, but she questioned me once more.

"Do you want me to take you?"

Splinters: Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now