Part One | 13

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Chapter 13

Entering the Popular Group

"Shh!" the librarian hushed.

Collie and I both turned and mumbled an apology to the woman, but giggled when she turned around and her attention had diverted elsewhere.

"I still can't get over his face!" Collie said, referring to scaring Zech during our trick-or-treating.

I laughed even harder, struggling to keep myself quiet. "It was so funny!"

Collie sighed, glancing back at the librarian, and then leant forward. "What time is it?" she asked, pulling her phone out and tapping the screen, not necessarily directing her question towards me.

I shrugged. "I don't know. I'm grounded from my phone."

Collie narrowed her eyes. "That's why you didn't answer me last night!"

I blushed, letting embarrassment take me over. "Yeah."

"What happened?" she asked. "You had it when I was with you."

I nodded. "Yeah, but Ursanne and I got in trouble because I left with you and she and I were supposed to stick together."

Collie frowned. "So you're grounded because of me?"

My eyes widened as I shook my head. "No no no no, it was worth it, I promise."

Collie smiled as her eyes stared into mine. I could honestly say everything in my head was thrown out when I looked at her. Collie makes me feel what J makes Jake feel, and that was a crazy feeling. I didn't care that I was grounded because I ditched Bella, Grady, and Ursanne. I was happy that I got to spend such a great night with Collie.

It was worth it.

She leant towards me to kiss me for what might've been a long time, but to me, it wasn't enough.

"Well," she said once we pulled apart, "I have to get home. So, I'll see you later?"

Collie stood up, pulling the strap of her backpack around and lifting it from the table.

I nodded. "Yeah."

She pressed her lips together, attempting to suppress the grin on her face. "Bye, Brayden."

"Bye," I breathed.

I watched Collie leave the school library, and when I knew she was gone, I let out a long breath and slumped in my chair. I had stayed after school with Collie to study, even though she and I didn't talk about anything in the history textbook, but nonetheless, we had a great time. I loved being around her.

We reminisced all about Halloween and even confessed a few things. I told her about my old Halloweens, only the ones with my grandma and acted like they had been spent with the Piersons, not with my actual parents. I'd never tell her about those. She didn't need to hear about my Splinters.

I wanted to give Collie a good impression of myself, and I was scared that if I didn't, she'd go to some other guy in a heart beat. I didn't necessarily think Collie was that low, but other people might.

I sighed, grabbing my belongings and headed out the door. I told Ursanne and Melissa that I'd be staying after school with Grady, but I lied and hung out with Collie. She was in such a good mood today and Zech hadn't been around much to bother us. I think he was still embarrassed about the spider prank we pulled on him.

I walked home, not exactly realizing that my back pack would be extremely heavy and hurt on the way back. It was a little colder, too. November had just begun. I was excited for Thanksgiving. It was celebrated at St. Anne's, but since there was so many of us kids, Thanksgiving was like a normal meal. It wasn't as good either.

Splinters: Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now