TAG What You Want Next

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Everyone has four options as to what they want to read and of course, majority wins. Firstly, I will begin with the books that are most thought out and are already begun. We have:

When Emmett Met Kate - MALE POV

In cheesy movies, the nerd is always wearing glasses, ugly old-man clothes, braces, and has a face with a million zits. Minus the clothes and braces, you have Emmett Benit. Having a name that rhymes and the smarts of the entire senior class, nothing else spells Geek more than him. Emmett is your typical nerd. But he's not a Hollywood Movie nerd. He's got friends and a family who adores him, but what he'd never even guess to have is a girlfriend. Kate Kristef is H. W. High's queen-bee. Turning boys' heads from every direction, Emmett is the first one to be drooling, but what would it matter to him? Kate has her high-class group with her high-class life. Getting even a glance from Kate would be a privilege. That privilege comes on the best day of his life, when Emmett met Kate.

Next we have Warrior - which the title may or may not be changed - MALE POV

Adam Dawson was inspired to be a US Marine since he was a young boy. The tales his grandfather spoke of the battlefield intrigued him to one day be the same man his grandfather once was, to defend his country and earn a Purple Heart. He wanted to make his country, family, friends, hometown, and most importantly, his grandfather proud. With no obstacles in his way, he continues to do what was always his destiny. Everything is going as planned... until he meets the new bartender at Pat's Pub. Meeting Delilah was strictly for his own pleasure. Falling in love with her, however, was never part of the plan. And neither was having a relationship while training and being in the battlefield.

Third, we have Keep In Happiness - a spin-off to Splinters, otherwise known as Jake and Jenny's romance, if you could call it that. - MALE POV

Two kids just looking for someone to hold onto was all Jenny and Jake were. With tragic backgrounds and traumatized minds, they seek comfort with whom the St. Anne's orphanage can't give as much as they try. Jake sees his mother in Jenny and Jenny sees love in Jake, and together, the two were inseparable - until Jenny tried to commit the unthinkable. Losing her would've probably been the hardest thing Jake could've ever gone through, and now that he's eighteen and required to live on his own and make a living, he realizes that he can't possibly lose the girl of his dreams once more, so once Jenny is released from rehab, she moves in with Jake and he tries his best to show her the life she could have with him - but although she finds Jake to be an amazing person and someone she feels could be the reason she'll stay alive, the numbing he creates on her can last for only so long. The sad truth is that she might not love him the way he loves her. But he'll keep on trying. He'll keep trying until it's all over.

This book is not completely thought out. I have about 25 chapters in order for this story and as you can see the biography obviously needs a bit work.

But last but not least, we have Tyler James. - FEMALE POV

Tyler James, the boy no adult has respect for, the kid at school no one dares to mess with, the stranger all cops keep an eye on. With a family of law breakers and gangs, he can't help but grow to be what he's always known. The one thing he doesn't know, though is love, and that's exactly what he throws himself into when he meets Lottie.

Lottie, a perfect popular girl crushing on one of her good friends she can't seem to get over is fed up with whining about Daren's constant sleeping around and suddenly finds herself sitting next to Tyler in math class. At first, she doesn't care for him the slightest bit until Tyler begins showing up at random places and introducing her to things she'd never think twice about, but now that he's got her wrapped around his finger, she becomes someone new.

The couple is unhealthy, damaging, dangerous, and just plain scary, but that's how Tyler likes it. Lottie means nothing to him, but he means everything to her. This isn't your typical bad boy good girl story. Tyler's much worse.

From the first book to the last book, it begins with the most structured and thought-out to the least, which also means that if you guys choose Tyler James, it will take a heck of a lot longer than When Emmett Met Kate for uploads to begin. But honestly, I want to begin a new method where I start the book and don't post it until it's completely finished, something like that.

But anyways, choose wisely people because either way, I may not post for a while due to school anyway, so talk it out, think it through, and request what you want to read. Thank you all and I will see you all soon!



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