Part One | 9

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Chapter 9

Somebody like Collie

"Brayden... Brayden..."

I stirred, turning over onto my side. 


Slowly, I opened my eyes. I jumped when I met Edaline's bright green eyes staring directly into him.

"Woah," she said, sitting back and then beginning to laugh. She pushed me. "C'mon, get up. We're going to church."

I rubbed my eyes, slowly sitting up and taking shaky breaths. "Church?"

"Yeah. Mom put your clothes there."

Edaline pointed to the door where a black belt, tie, black slacks and a blue button down hung by a single. I stared at it for a moment. Church. I thought I'd be escaping that once I left St. Anne's. Reluctantly, I threw the covers off of me and got up. 

"Thanks, Eda." I said.

She left my room and closed the door, causing the tie to accidentally fall to the floor. I slowly made my way toward it and picked up the tie. Giving the clothes one last look-over, I placed them gently on the bed.

I decided to do my morning routine before anything else. 

Odera was in the bathroom when I knocked on the door, but she wasn't using the toilet or shower. She opened it, holding a curling iron to the side of her head, wrapped around with her dark black hair.

"Good morning," she said. 

"Hey." My voice cracked. I cleared my throat and pointed, going towards the faucet. "I need to brush my teeth."

Odera stepped aside as she continued doing her hair and I brushed my teeth. Once I finished, I brushed my hair and then turned to leave.

When I made sure my door was locked shut, I advanced towards my bed and touched the button-down. I sighed before putting the clothes on. It'd been a while since I'd dressed this nice. 

When my pants were buttoned along with my shirt, I picked up the tie, but I had no idea how to put it on. I left my room and looked for Melissa or Ursanne, hoping one of the two could help me. When I was walking through the hall to the downstairs floor, I was stopped by Isabeau's voice in her bedroom, asking me to wait up.


She pointed at my tie. "Why isn't your tie on?"

I looked down at it and shrugged. "I don't know how to put it on."

"I can put it on for you." she offered.

I nodded and kneeled down, a little shorter than Isabeau's size. Her identical eyebrows rose as she took the tie. I wondered if she was joking, but when she wrapped it around my neck I was surprised to see that she actually did know how to put it on. In the end, I was impressed how well she did.

I looked down at it and grinned.

"Thanks, Iz."

"You're welcome!" she chirped, turning around and closing the door to her room. 

I stared at the white wooden door as it shut and lifted my shoulders, letting a small chuckle out. I turned and headed downstairs where Melissa was with Greg in the kitchen. I was about to enter until I had seen them kiss, Melissa's thoughts solely on her husband as she stood close and talked to him. I hid behind the wall, not wanting to disturb their moment.

"Are you happy?" I heard Greg whisper.

Melissa sighed. "I've never been happier."

Greg chuckled. "I love you, Lis."

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