Part One | 17

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Chapter 17

Sophomore Dance

I wasn't too excited about school on Monday morning, but what I was excited about was seeing Collie, which was pretty much all the motivation I needed to get up and get into my uniform, but before, I decided to go eat.

When I finished breakfast with Odera and Edaline, I noticed that I hadn't seen Ursanne all morning. Usually, she was the first up. I'd seen Net and Beau in their rooms getting dressed earlier when I first woke up. Beau screamed when she saw me in the hall and ran to shut her door. I laughed because I hadn't seen a thing. The room was too dark.

Melissa stood on the other side of the island, making all of our lunches.

"Melissa," I called. "Where's Ursanne?"

"She's a bit sick today so she's not going to school," she said, stuffing a sandwich into a plastic baggy.

"She's sick?" Odera raised an eyebrow. "With what?"

"Your sister has a fever."

"Is it contagious?" Eda panicked.

Melissa smiled. "I don't think so, girls, but just to be safe, don't go into her room and wash your hands whenever the two of you get the chance. The flu might be going around."

The girls nodded before hopping off the stools and putting their bowls into the sink. I followed suit and then went to leave the kitchen.


I stopped and turned, feeling my stomach drop at Melissa's tone of voice. "Yeah?"

"I never got to ask how your time with Collie went."

I stuffed my hands in my pockets and shrugged. "I-it was okay."

She turned to me. "Is she more than a friend?"

I couldn't help but smile a little. "Kind of."

"Well," she sighed. "You know my rules, but I can see that you're happy, so I'm happy."

I didn't bother hiding my grin now. "You are?"

"I like how you're getting along in this town with everyone. Inviting Andrew and Grady over? That's wonderful, sweet heart! And I can't help but believe that you loving Constance has to do with a girl as well who I assume is Collie."

I rubbed the back of my neck. "Y-yeah."

"However, I hope you know where you stand, Brayden. Ursanne's told me about Colleen and even though I don't know her, I know that she tends to hang around people in the wrong crowd."

I bowed my head.

"I just want you to know who you are in this world. I want you to know that you're a wonderful boy and that you are a good person and that the things she's done is not okay."

"That wasn't Collie."

"I know, but still."

I nodded. "I know where I stand."

"Good," she smiled, coming towards me.

She opened her arms and hugged me and I hugged her back. It was a hug I've always wanted from my mom. Even though it wasn't, I imagined like it was her and not Melissa because it was something I never got to experience with my mom. I wish I had.

Afterwards, Melissa told me she hoped I'd have a good day and that she'll be home as soon as she can today. I smiled and told her okay. Before I left the kitchen, she asked if I needed a ride to school instead of taking the bus, but I didn't want to put her in any trouble, especially when she has the other girls to take to school, so I refused. Plus, I need to experience the bus on my own and not with my sister for once.

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