Part One | 19

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Chapter 19

Caleb Mathers

"I think you'll be good enough for next year."

I shook my head and shot the ball. In.

"Doubt it. They wouldn't even let me on the lowest team."

Andrew caught the ball as it ricocheted over in his direction. He dribbled it twice before shooting a three-pointer. In.

"No they aren't. I bet you could be on my team."

I laughed. "I could never make Varsity."

He frowned. "Why not?"

I let the ball come to me and shot, but only hit the rim. "I'm so inexperienced. I've only ever played with you and your friends."

Andrew smiled, his hands out for the basketball. "I don't know why you're so down on yourself. If you just really tried, you could totally make it."

I lowered my gaze and waited.

"So I heard you took Collie to the dance." I didn't answer him as he aimed and shot. "She never goes to dances."

"I heard that," I acknowledged. "Why?"

Andrew shrugged. "I'm not sure. I never asked her. It's not like she's never asked because she's always asked to dances. I mean, it's Collie Mathers."

I smirked. She was my Collie Mathers.

"No, but seriously," I said. "Does she not like them or something?"

Andrew glanced at me and held the ball to his side once he retrieved it. "She's never said. I don't know, it's just weird. She never goes and all of a sudden when you ask, she's all up for it. Wasn't she?"

"She was really excited," I admitted.

Andrew grinned. "Maybe she just really likes you."

There were so many things I wished hadn't happened that night, but I grinned at the thought of her telling me she loves me. There was no way I was going to let Andrew know about that, though.

"What's up with her anyway?" he asked. "I haven't heard from her since Friday."

I sighed. "She's sick."

"Is she?"

I nodded.

"What's she got?"

"I think it's the flu. Ursanne had it a while ago. She's a lot better now."

Andrew looked behind him towards the back door. "Oh, yeah. I didn't see her the whole time I've been here. Where is she?"

I froze, staring at him for a short moment. "Bella's."

He nodded, positioning his arms and shooting the ball. "Well maybe we should go see her. Surprise her."

I gave him a weird look. "My sister?"


Andrew chuckled, advancing under the net to receive the ball. "No! Collie!"

"What?! No!"

"Why not?" He passed the ball to me rather roughly. "You're not scared, are you?"

I grit my teeth. "What would I be scared over?"

He shrugged nonchalantly. "Going to her house maybe? Meeting her father?"

My stomach dropped. Meeting Collie's family had never crossed my mind. I feel like if I did, they wouldn't really care. Collie's family came off uninvolved and selfish. I hated thinking she had to live with people so unlike my family.

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