Part One | 23

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Chapter 23

Christmas Gifts

Before I knew it, New Years passed and school started with the second semester. Getting ready for school, the only thing I could think about was seeing Collie, talking to Collie, kissing Collie. I leant on my knees, stuffing her Christmas present in my bag and struggling to zip it up without any complications, but it wouldn't fit.

"Brayden, you ready?" Ursanne asked, slowly opening my door.

She was dressed in her uniform, leaning against my doorframe.

"Yeah," I grunted, stuffing Collie's present deeper into my bag. "Just-" I pushed harder. "A... second."

"What are you doing?" she questioned, folding her arms.

I sighed and sat back. "I'm trying to put Collie's present in, but it won't fit."

Ursanne came towards me and took it out. "Just hold it," she suggested, handing it to me.

I shook my head. "No. People at school will see."

She stared at me. "So?"

I blushed. "It's embarrassing."

She laughed at me, shoving the present into my chest. "Just hold it, Brayden. She'll think it's cute."

I avoided eye contact, holding Collie's gift. Ursa and I grabbed our bags and headed downstairs.

"Bye, Mom."

"Bye, Melissa."

"Bye, guys! Have a good day!"

"We will!"

Ursanne opened the door and I passed her. We walked to the bus station and waited. I clutched Collie's present in my hands. When the bus did come, I let Ursanne go in first. We walked toward our usual seat and sat down. I got the window this time.

"Ursa, hey!"

We turned to our left. I wasn't surprised when I heard Brody's voice. He was leaning toward my sister as the bus began to drive again.

"Hey, Brody," she smiled.

"How was your guys' Christmas break?" he asked.

I let her answer because I knew Brody didn't care to know what I had to say. He liked Ursanne. Everyone could see that. I didn't mind either. Brody was nice. I definitely preferred him to Andrew any day, not because Andrew was bad, but because he's my friend and it'd be weird if they were together. Brody and Ursa ended up talking the entire ride to Constance, and when the bus stopped, they were still talking.

I followed behind, hiding Collie's present in my jacket now. Jumping off the bus, I hurriedly walked into the school due to the weather temperature, and because I didn't want anyone to question me about what I was hiding underneath my clothes.

"What you got there?"

I shut my eyes, heat rising to my face. Welp. So much for that.

I looked to my right to find Grady staring at my jacket. In all honesty, I was surprised to see him.

I blinked. "Nothing."

He gave me a flat look. "Why did I actually think you'd tell me? You haven't spoken to me for weeks."

I frowned. "I'm sorry, Grady, I've just been-"

"Spending time with The Table."

"Oh c'mon," I whined, offended. "You don't seriously call them that, too, do you?"

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