C4. I Just Want To Marry Yunzhu!

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Chapter 4

Li Yong was overwhelmed with emotion in the presence of the emperor, his feelings of shame stemming from the favor bestowed upon him, which exceeded his own abilities.

Upon returning to the Duke's Mansion, Li Yong was unable to contain his emotions in the presence of his wife and beloved daughter. The profound sense of injustice he had faced outside became inescapable, and he was unable to suppress his grievance in the comforting embrace of his close relatives.

While torn by the fear of losing the war and questioning his own capabilities, Li Yong pondered the allure of enjoying wealth and status in the capital, akin to Sun Chao. Nevertheless, his internal conviction to serve the court and reclaim the three states was his driving force.

Despite accepting his punishment, Li Yong was troubled by the debasement he faced from the outside world, leaving him feeling worthless and questioning why they disregarded the good deeds for which he was typically praised.

Standing beside his wife, Li Yong was rendered speechless and unable to stifle his emotional turmoil, fearing that speaking would only intensify his outpouring of emotion.

With his parents gone, Li Yong's wife was the only one with whom he could reveal such vulnerability without fear of ridicule.

Through Meng's eyes, her tearful husband was a poignant sight, evoking a sense of deep distress akin to that of a beautiful woman in tears.

"Come inside and talk if you wish," Meng gently ushered her husband indoors, her focus solely on his well-being.

Meanwhile, Yunzhu, seeing her father exhibit such a display of emotion for the first time, was visibly taken aback, recalling her father's previously unwavering composure in the face of adversity.

With great gentleness and compassion, Meng shi tenderly guided her husband indoors, her attention solely focused on him and no one else.

Meanwhile, Yunzhu, after regaining her composure, discreetly signaled to the attendants and servants around her to step back, wisely recognizing her father's need for her mother's presence at that moment.

Subsequently, Yunzhu discreetly withdrew, understanding that her father needed her mother's companionship more than anything else at that particular juncture.

It wasn't until dusk that Yunzhu encountered her father again in Zhenghe Hall. Following Li Yong’s emotional outpouring, he took time to compose himself, bathing, shaving his stubble, and changing into a green silk robe, so as to present himself with a semblance of his former equanimity.

Pretending not to notice her father’s swollen eyes, Yunzhu quietly took her place beside her mother, as if nothing out of the ordinary had occurred. Gazing out at the heavy snow outside the door, she spoke, "Brother is on duty during the day today. He should be returning soon, shouldn't he? Has mother arranged for a carriage to bring him back from outside the Imperial City?"

Meng shi, entirely preoccupied with attending to her husband, momentarily forgot about her son's return. Startled, she awkwardly responded, "What carriage? He is the most down-to-earth and unpretentious person in the entire capital. If we send someone to collect him, he would find it distasteful."

With a warm smile, Yunzhu quipped, "Mom may not care about my brother, but I do."

Immediately following her statement, she discreetly dispatched her maid to relay a message to the steward.

Li Yong stood in a state of bewilderment, taken aback by his daughter's uncharacteristic behavior. Expecting a warm greeting upon their reunion, he found himself ignored by her, prompting him to anxiously query, "Yunzhu, why are you disregarding me?"

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