C45. Age Is Irrelevant: Men Will Fall For You.

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Chapter 45

Li Yong and Gu Shoufu were privy to the inside information. Emperor Yuan Qing had no immediate intentions of changing the throne inheritance to the second prince, and it was possible that he would never do so in his lifetime.

Cao Xun, unaware of the inside information, found solace in the fact that both the second prince and the crown prince were his nephews. This knowledge alleviated his worry about the matter.

Even if other courtiers were inclined to take sides, they were cautious not to show their allegiance too hastily.

The typically gentle Emperor Yuan Qing had managed to frighten the eleven-year-old crown prince.

Empress Cao's feeble attempts at reassurance were ineffective. After a sleepless night, the morning following Li Xian’s appointment as the second prince's companion, the crown prince fell ill with a fever.

Upon receiving the news, Emperor Yuan Qing and Empress Cao hurried to their son's side.

The young prince lay on his sickbed, his face pale and wan. When he gazed upon Emperor Yuan Qing, his eyes betrayed his deep fear.

This sight filled Emperor Yuan Qing with feelings of both distress and anger. He lamented his son's illness, seethed at the lack of a future for his son, and was overwhelmed by the weight of responsibility!

As Emperor, the fate of the world rested on his shoulders. What challenges was the crown prince enduring at that very moment?

The court was aware of the crown prince's ailing heart.

After the imperial doctor departed, Emperor Yuan Qing dismissed Empress Cao. He then sat beside the crown prince's sickbed, gently caressing the young man's forehead. "Why do you fear?" he asked. "When I requested Li Xian to join your second brother in his studies, it was simply to encourage you to apply yourself. You are still my crown prince."

This display of tenderness struck a chord in the crown prince's heart, and his fears dissolved into tears of sadness. "Father, did you truly have no intention of dethroning me?" he sobbed.

Emperor Yuan Qing reflected that the previous day, he had harbored only 30% of the notion, but seeing the crown prince so visibly terrified had increased his conviction to 50%.

However, changing the crown prince's position would not be a simple task. The resistance among the courtiers, including the chief minister Gu, would be formidable.

Emperor Yuan Qing was apprehensive of the repercussions, and thus he was willing to afford the crown prince a few more years of opportunity. He also desired to assess the second prince's capabilities before reaching a final decision.

"It's nothing,” he assured the crown prince. “I simply favor that young Li Xian. Having him by your second brother's side can serve as a source of motivation for you to pursue your studies and martial arts training."

Emperor Yuan Qing cast a gentle gaze upon the crown prince, encouraging his son to share his worries.

In response, the crown prince, enthralled by his loving father, confided in a hushed tone, "I fear that Duke Ningguo's mansion will secretly lend support to my second brother."

Emperor Yuan Qing smiled softly, "The Li family is steadfastly loyal to the Emperor. They serve me, and I am their allegiance. Should you inherit my position in the future, their loyalty will be unwavering towards you. Moreover, my appointment of Li Xian as companion to your second brother should not change your position of priority in his heart. By winning over others, he will be all the more inclined to favor you."

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