C37. Cao Xun Meets The Sharp Gaze of the Madam.

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Chapter 37

The official residences assigned to accompanying officials in Nanyuan are located adjacent to the palace. Upon entering the courtyard, nobles and senior officials have an entire courtyard at their disposal. Those with lower official positions typically come alone and share living spaces with their colleagues.

Before leaving Beijing, Cao Xun discovered that in the small courtyard they were soon to be assigned, their neighbors on the left were his father-in-law's family, while their neighbors on the right were the Sun family of the Duke of Qi.

This seemingly trivial information, closely linked to the accompanying officials, can be obtained from the relevant officials with a bit of money. The father-in-laws in charge of arranging accommodations are astute individuals who will surely place officials who are close in proximity to each other. Therefore, Yunzhu isn't at all surprised that the Li and Cao families, both influential, could be neighbors.

As for the Sun family, despite being a small entity, Emperor Yuan Qing still accords respect to the few remaining founding noble families in the capital, consistently entertaining them. He only considers their genuine capabilities when appointing officials.

Upon arriving at Nanyuan, before Yunzhu had a chance to visit her mother in the courtyard to the left, Sun Yurong rushed over from the adjacent courtyard to seek her out.

"Is your mother-in-law not here?"

Despite it being a small courtyard, it had many rooms, including side rooms and wing rooms. Sun Yurong looked around and asked, sounding surprised.

Yunzhu smiled and inquired, "What brings you here? Are you upset that she's not here?"

In spite of Cao Xun's penchant for maintaining appearances, his treatment of Pan Shi had always been respectful. Pan Shi, being his legitimate mother-in-law, always sought trouble, even targeting Yunzhu deliberately. Yet, Yunzhu and Cao Xun wouldn't meddle with matters of filial piety, swallowing their grievances as a couple. Regardless, Yunzhu was his partner, and there was no reason for him to favor a stepmother who didn't offer any benefits.

Pan Shi was likely aware of this, having already declined accompanying them, citing being "too old to travel."

Sun Yurong commented, "It seems that Imperial Uncle spoils you and doesn't allow you to be upset with your wicked mother-in-law. If she doesn't show up, will Cao Shao stay with you and your husband?"

She smirked, appearing unconcerned.

Yunzhu glanced at her and explained, "He is staying with several colleagues from the Hanlin Academy."

Sun Yurong put on a sympathetic expression and said, "Staying away from you will make him less jealous."

Yunzhu jokingly nudged her, "Don't tease me. I've heard the Emperor wants to select a concubine for the eldest prince. Are you enticed?"

Sun Yurong pointed to her own face, saying, "What's the use of me being enticed? Can the eldest prince like me?"

Regardless of how mediocre the eldest prince is, princes and grandsons they are. Their marriages are typically followed by royal titles. As a noble princess, many distinguished and politically upright ladies vie for the title. Sun Yurong feels she has no chance.

Sun Yurong speculated, "In my opinion, it'll be either Gu Min or Xie Wenying."

Yunzhu couldn't imagine either of them being chosen by Emperor Yuan Qing. The eldest prince sought to ally with an external vassal. Why would he wed the chief minister and general in the capital? On the contrary, individuals like Sun Yurong, without title but without power, have more hope.

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